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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. Poor choice of words on my part. what I’m getting at is I don’t think a second civil war is out of the question and I think it wouldn’t be a conventional war like the first was. It’ll be political violence like the Troubles. Since the riots started progressives have been playing a game where they haven’t had many consequences for their actions and they’ve been increasingly emboldened as such. Things are getting out of hand and if things get to a point where law enforcement can’t maintain any semblance of order...well then......
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-searching-for-gunman-who-opened-fire-at-pro-trump-rally I am so sick of this and I’m trying to remain calm but how many more times before conservatives such as myself retaliate? This is spiraling out of control so quickly.
  3. I’m ok with Trump having Covid. Really. I mean....in about 45 days I’ll be able to tell Liberals how Trump beat Covid and the Biden-MSM ticket within a matter of days. So, I got that going for me.
  4. Yes. I have. Ya know what I’ve learned....don’t doubt Don. Bro, the Israel-UAE deal knocked me on my butt. I was amazed. Trump.....is making the world great again.
  5. Well, I already answered. Also, I mentioned a multinational coalition. We have other Asian countries to exploit for cheap labor. Point is it needs to be done. The main goal is to destroy Chinese reliance more so than American manufacturing.
  6. 1. I buy American when possible although it costs more. Additionally, manufacturing in Mexico would keep prices low, importation easier, and it would kick China in the wallet. 2. I’ve no issue with unions outside of government employees. But there needs to be right to work on a federal level IMO. After all, it’s the American way. 3. Rapidly but responsibly. If we don’t have a way to get a certain widget but through China, don’t block the importation of that widget until the necessary manufacturing is running here/Mexico/Canada.
  7. See paragraph 2. It’s bad. This is why we NEED manufacturing back in the states.
  8. I think we’re not logistically ready for a war w/ China. They make too much of our stuff. Do I like war? No. I don’t want it. But I believe that sometimes overwhelming violence can end an issue before it truly gets bad. I mean if France had just attacked Germany in ‘39 when the German army was in Poland.... So, I advocate for violence when I think it’ll save lives.
  9. ...k, so their economy thrives on exports. Exports are goods that are manufactured and then sold to another country... Now that that’s covered let’s move on. If a multinational coalition, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Canada, the UK, and the EU form a bloc that imposed sanctions and cut Chinese exports well hurt chinas economy gravely. Logistics are an issue. Trump knows it. ‘Member Obama’s ‘those jobs aren’t coming back’ nonsense? Trump recognizes the threat that is China and has been working diligently to bring manufacturing jobs back to America so that if we go to war with China we actually have the factories making the goods necessary to fight that war. The best way to fight China is to kick them in the wallet.
  10. Ah, as a war hawk...NO. We need to take action against China through trade and it needs to be a multinational coalition that destroys Chinas economy.
  11. They'll deny it....but Liberals and social distancing is just a demonstration of their desire for an authoritarian big brother..... "EXCUSE ME SIR, YOU NEED TO CONFORM TO SCIENCE! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS, A FREE COUNTRY?"
  12. China is the greatest threat to world peace and stability.
  13. What it says about me is that I took the time to understand the man. I took the time to learn about him and his motivations. I took the time to learn what turned him into a monster. I took the time to learn so that I can recognize the conditions that created a travesty. Do you not see the value in that? Also, you kinda just admitted you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re just parroting Hitler without sufficient knowledge of what you’re saying.
  14. Mein Kamph had three main grievances. Do you know what they are?
  15. No, I mean nonsense.
  16. I think it’ll be the death blow to the power of the Left and they caused it which is hilarious. City Dwellers: “Can we go back to work so we can have money please?” Big City Liberals: “No! Because Trump is President...erm, we mean...we mean...because it’s not safe. Yeah! That’s it! It’s not safe to work.”
  17. If you wanna have debates about terminology, I’m your huckleberry. The fact you claim to be older than 27 tells me there’s not much hope for you. Sad. Idk, maybe you’ll figure it out. I eventually did and I walked away. God willing one day you will too, but you seem quite committed to nonsense.
  18. Oh. My. God. Tell me if ya heard this one before, a liberal walks into a bar and calls Trump, Hitler. ive skimmed mein kampf — Hitler is NOT like Trump. yes, I skimmed. It’s horribly whinny and boring.
  19. The Floyd line cracked me up
  20. Because your world view makes sense if you’re under 27. Winston Churchill has a popular quote I’ve seen in memes that he didn’t actually say but it’s something he’d agree with...’if you weren’t a liberal before 25 you never had a heart and if you’re a liberal older than 25 you don’t have a brain.’ I’m just trying to figure out if you’re a benevolent youngster who lacks the life experience necessary to see the folly in everything you promote. If you’re going there’s hope you might straighten out. If you’re not young it’s significantly less likely. I just wanna know if I’m talking to a confused kid or an idiot anarchist.
  21. I take that as a compliment in the highest form because it came from you. Ive seen what you promote — you thinking I’m the lunatic means you’ve the correct view on me. ...how old are you?
  22. No, I have not failed to take notice of the polarization of law enforcement. Biden/Obama/Hillary and the bogus Russian investigation. The horrible arrest of the Mclowskis (or whatever the spelling of their name is), the arrest of Kyle, the treatment of Patriots vs American hating commies in Portland. I’ve taken notice. Believe me, I’ve taken notice.
  23. Guilty until proven innocent, eh? You’ve a lot to learn about American values. How old are you? Just trying to understand your world view.
  24. I was going to reply to him but you did it perfectly. Well done.
  25. That white supremacist seems like my kinda guy. I got the same vest too!
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