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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. watch that. Watch that and tell me that I’m crazy for my belief that liberals hate the constitution and are actively trying to bypass it or scrap it altogether. That is why I’m not voting for Biden. My god, these Democrats are the very reason our founders left us with an electoral college. That whole interview should be revolting to every red blooded American.
  2. I won’t vote for Biden because I’m an American.
  3. K, sir, this might sting a bit because I’m going to make a mockery out of your “Anti fa” nonsense, but please don’t consider it a personal attack as that’s not my flavor. Y’all see what this dude did?😂 This dude is like ‘1st, Trump is obviously Hitler. Since Trump is clearly a fascist, there’s a group of benevolent people out there who are “anti” to Trump’s “fa.” Their being named “Antifa” is irrefutable proof that they’re good people, fighting for good things!’ ....bro, if I form a gang called “the very respectable gentleman” and we start a racketeering scheme, would you be like ‘those chaps are great, they’re “very respectable gentleman!”’ It’s so ridiculous that when liberals deflect Antifa criticism, how often they go to the “dude, they’re name is Antifa which means anti fascist, thus proving they did nothing wrong.” Do you not see how ridiculous that is?
  4. Man....I’ve got like a million jokes but I don’t wanna get banned so I had best see myself outa this thread quickly.
  5. I didn’t. You assumed I did. I believe ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ are the pillars of the bill of rights, and the bill of rights were written to preserve those inalienable rights because that’s why the bill of rights was written. Ya know...historical context.
  6. Thanks dude, but I too passed 4th grade. So I knew that.
  7. I’m uncompromising and relentless. Same to you! Have a great weekend. Ok, I’m done. Thank you. Have a good weekend. I can’t go on if you’re going to be that silly.
  8. Right. Right. We’re on what, month 6 of the 14 days to flatten the curve? Gotcha. Good thing for America there are Americans like me.
  9. There’s something to be said for saying loudly “DONT TREAD ON ME.” Im American AF.
  10. Um, I’ll address your last point first. My bill of rights is not my feelings. Again, they’re inalienable rights. For your first paragraph I am not anti-mask. I’m against the government awarding itself powers. When I waltz into Home Depot I mask up because it’s their rule. When I roll out I take the thing off because it is not the governments right to tell me what to wear, and it’s my civic duty to pushback against unconstitutional power grabs. if you’re high risk, stay inside, man. I’m a very healthy dude in my late 30’s. I’m very athletic. If I get it, I’ll be fine. And I will be in charge of what I do, what I wear, and where I go. it’s awful that’s a controversial statement these days. That’s something Americans, left or right, would have once applauded. Sheesh.
  11. Horrible post. I’m not referring to my feelings. I’m referring to my right, and your right to peacefully assemble. Any American who doesn’t champion that is a horrible American.
  12. You’re doing two things common of somebody losing an argument. 1. You change your opponents argument hoping they’ll chase it like a dog after a car. My argument was the restriction on Americans to peacefully assemble. You morphed that into my being anti mask. Cool. 2. Nonsensical hyperbole — “you can’t walk around balls-out, that proves I’m right!” That’s just horribly done.
  13. That’s ridiculous — the mask comment...it’d be fair if you said “youre ok with having a .5% chance of killing your neighbor.” My position is my bill of rights trumps your feelings and desires.
  14. Bro, the Ebola reference was more to do with its casualty rate. Look, people don’t return their shopping carts and some aren’t gonna wear masks. That’s life. Restriction of the bill of rights is not a solution and one I’ll lock and load against. It is a hill worthy of dying on. If you’d sacrifice my freedom for perceived safety from a virus that fails to kill over 99% of its victims, my position is you’re a bad American. I’m not trying to insult you but I find the attitude callow and unAmerican.
  15. Individual responsibility. Im terrified that you’re not terrified about the authoritarian measures that were taken over Covid....were not talking about airborne Ebola here.
  16. Realized today that by having black employees I’m part of the problem. When I hire black people it forces them into a subservient role to me, the business “owner,” or just “owner.” By having them subservient to a white male owner, I can only imagine the fear and pain they feel from their antebellum genetic memory. The best way to fight racism is to not hire black people! Right? I’m an activist, and I’m here to help.
  17. If you're a devout Christian you'll find me woefully secular. If you're secular, you'll find me a religious extremist. I'm neither. I consider myself christian but far from practicing. That said, I do not consent to any politicians "authority" to restrict my Bill of Rights. I will peacefully assemble wherever the **** I want, and to me that's a hill worth dying on. I'm a stickler for freedom.
  18. Not trying to be rude, but is this a real question? Are you unaware of multiple states restricting their populations first amendment because of Covid? I’ve got a huge problem with that.
  19. You mistake my meaning, friend. I think your walk to end racism is stupid, while also American AF. Peacefully protesting -- I applaud you. Protesting against racism is stupid to me because I think your protesting a non-issue (disclaimer, I'm white). But, I support your right to peacefully assemble very much. I am horrified at how Christians and Jews have been treated during all of this though. Horrified.
  20. Well since your concerned with the constitution...doesn’t it say something about peaceful assembly?
  21. Do you love the United States? Do you believe as I do that it’s the greatest nation on the face of the earth?
  22. So I stated Trump has a legitimate grievance against Hillary, Obama and so on....and you come back with ‘no, Trump doesn’t have a grievance....also, Hitler!’ Bro...you’ve an advanced case of TDS. It’s bad. Article 2 of what? What was the context in which he was saying it? Also, has Trump acted like an authoritarian during this “pandemic?” Because my eyes say no. And while Trump has not acted like an authoritarian, the same cannot be said for Democrats nationwide.
  23. Well...I’m guessing you don’t know why. He kinda has a legitimate grievance.
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