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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. Literally didn’t notice him. Who cares? If he’s not contributing next year I’ll gladly agree to make him the whipping boy.
  2. More liberal cheating here...another article packed full of lies so that the reader knows Orange Man is bad, orange, violent, ordering the violence, bad, and orange. https://www.yahoo.com/news/shot-kenosha-then-received-threats-203834721.html
  3. Cops need higher standards...you can’t just demand it, you gotta pay for it. Policing standards must go up, up, up. Defunding the police is stupid...unless you hate civilization. Typically when I have a problem I find that by working on it, and investing more into it, I get better results.
  4. November is gonna be a red wave (fingers crossed). Maybe that can be legislated...keeping the court at 9. Go further than 9 and you’re really watering it down.
  5. 9 is the number. No more, no less. 9. I mean seriously...40 years from now are we going to have a 327-328 decision? 9 is the number.
  6. I consider gaslighting cheating. Here’s evidence of Liberal gaslighting: https://www.yahoo.com/news/disunited-states-could-second-civil-100002857.html Let’s break this down. “On Sept. 11, Donald Trump proclaimed on Twitter that: "Pelosi and Schumer want Trillions of Dollars of BAILOUT money for Blue States that are doing badly, both economically and in terms of high crime, as a condition to making a deal on stimulus — But the USA is coming back strong!" Trump was widely mocked in response for being too ignorant to understand that "blue states" are part of the United States.” - EVERYBODY knows what Trump was saying and it wasnt that blue states arent American states. He was saying the Democrats there are keeping things shut down on purpose to make life suck, but other than things out of his control, things are coming back. The gaslighting was ‘Trump hates America!’ “People enjoy laughing at Donald Trump, perhaps because they think it will somehow save them from his wrath, cruelty and violence. It will not.” - This gaslighting is to convince their readers that Trump supporters are causing the unrest. You gotta be kidding me....go to Andy Ngo’s Twitter to see who’s really getting violent out there. It’s not Trump supporters attacking federal courthouses. “Through his behavior Trump has shown that he is actually the authoritarian Great Leader of his followers only.” - I’m sorry, who’s unconstitutionally keeping citizens under house arrest? Trump or horrible liberal governors and mayors? “Moreover, he has little or no respect, love, care or concern for them either — except as a means of keeping himself in office indefinitely so he can enrich himself, his family, and other close allies.” - Hes losing money by serving as POTUS so what a stupid point....and he’s not the one acting like an authoritarian — liberal mayors and governors are. “Trump is not merely indifferent towards those Americans in "blue states" and elsewhere who do not support his regime. He is actively hostile and violent towards them. He has sabotaged aid to the coastal states early in the coronavirus pandemic. He ignored California and Puerto Rico when they have faced natural disasters and environmental calamities. He has encouraged armed militias to stage threatening demonstrations in Democratic-governed states such as Michigan. He has unleashed federal police against protesters in Portland and elsewhere who oppose the regime. He has pursued an overall strategy of stochastic terrorism against Democrats, Black Lives Matter activists, anti-fascists and others he and his agents deem to be "enemies of the state."” - He gave California and Puerto Rico everything they needed and asked for. He isn’t encouraging any militias but Biden’s campaign staff has bailed out violent rioters. Notice how the article says “anti-fascists” and not Antifa. I honestly cannot stomach anymore of this article. I mean this is why liberals are stupid. Jack Dorsey stated on Twitter there is a liberal bubble...liberals only follow liberals which is why they all sound like stupid parotid. And they never get the conservative perspective like conservatives get the liberal perspective because if the information from the conservative side doesn’t mesh with what they want to believe they claim that the information must be tainted with racism. There’s no talking with these people because all they do is react with unbridled and unhinged emotion. This is literally EVERY article I read from the left. Void of facts, chalked full of lies, exaggerations, and feelings. Man, I can’t wait to vote to Keep America Great.
  7. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/from-breaking-laws-to-making-laws-ex-pimp-at-center-of-new-police-reforms/ ....I just can’t wait to vote for Trump. I’m gonna vote for Trump so hard.
  8. Time to prove this ain’t fooling.
  9. Hes an idiot and I’m glad he’s not our coach.
  10. Hmm...take it you're not a fan of Mr. Trump? Gotcha. But I was just talking polls. Not science stuff. That's a wormhole I don't wanna go down.
  11. The effort he did to stay alive on the Davis TD was GREAT.
  12. Are democrats dumb enough to still put stock in polls?
  13. It’s tough to win, especially against a divisional opponent....Miami beat the Pats last year. I wanted a stress free game...I didn’t get it...but got the W!
  14. Loving it. It’ll take us 4 more games to get a good feel of the offense...but I love how we’re stretching defenses out.
  15. Dear Matt Milano, Get well soon.
  16. Wonder if Tyrod starts again this year?
  17. Mahomes losing to a rookie. What. Is. Going. On?!
  18. I might and I might not but I can’t decide that now, nor can anybody. Lets let it play out.
  19. Aye aye! Raise your glasses!!! This win sucked, but it was a win and I’m grinning! For a W, and three cheers to Fitz for being Fitz! Helluva guy, Fitz!
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