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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. Run it in and run it out.
  2. If they can’t find a way to win, I can’t find a way to believe in them. Just. F’ing. Win.
  3. We got plenty of time to get Motor going. WTH. great — Dawkins. Great.
  4. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.
  5. Team is still a bumbling joke. Good to know.
  6. Bills are still mediocre. Good to know.
  7. I quit. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.
  8. What an awful/embarrassing game
  9. If the Bills fail to secure the win, then that’s saying a lot.
  10. Cmon Josh, close it out........
  11. This is disgusting. Just disgusting.
  12. We really need a good 5 minute drive that ends in a FG or TD to close this out. Still fuming over that BS interception. I mean they literally officiated procession away.
  13. Really annoyed by that “interception” still
  14. Diggs just tap danced around Ramsey!
  16. im not a Q guy. That said, Q is a blogger. I’m complaining about a politicized, complicit media.
  17. If you wanna say outside actors are using BLM protests to stir unrest I’ll agree.
  18. Oh my god....do you even news, Bro?! https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/new-justice-dept-disclosures-cast-fresh-doubt-on-trump-russia-investigation/2020/09/25/f08ccfb0-ff61-11ea-9ceb-061d646d9c67_story.html I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16....when the Russia probe began I wasn’t a Trump fan and I knew then it was BS.
  19. https://news.yahoo.com/pledge-dismantle-minneapolis-police-collapsed-155801253.html Oh my god — defunding the police aint working, yall! Who coulda seen that coming?!
  20. The right thinks Democrats are unAmerican savages hellbent on destroying the values and institutions that created this country because the Democrats are unAmerican savages hellbent on destroying the values and institutions that created this country.
  21. Allen sucks because he’s a Bill. Y’all keep forgetting that. Not my opinion, but it is EAs.
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