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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. Dude.......you are really getting your hopes up. Quit trying to make Biden happen...Biden is never going to happen.
  2. https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-minneapolis-police-looking-into-explosive-voter-fraud-allegations-involving-ilhan-omar Well, well, well....Omar caught ballot harvesting.
  3. I don’t think I can name 6 hockey teams. I’ve been a southerner since I was 10. Couldn’t have even told you hockey was still doing it’s thing. But enjoy the game.
  4. I gotta tell ya...I think people like you have been so busy convincing yourselves that Trump is the spawn of Hitler and Voldemort that y’all are really detached from objectivity and reality. Liberals calling Trump authoritarian is RICH....Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsome, the NJ idiot....man...I’ve never seen anything like TDS.
  5. I heard she likes Jesus...that’s just way too radical for me.
  6. Bro, it was awesome to see the Bills on the right end of a critical penalty. Shoes usually on the other foot.
  7. Because if it weren’t called it wouldn’t be an egregious miss. Also, I didn’t see the PI, but I haven’t rewatched the play.
  8. I....am so happy. I’m 36....ain’t felt this way since I was a kid.
  9. Right, elementary school.
  10. A crazy person being dangerously crazy....they call it ‘medical emergency.’
  11. Josh was very impressive today in avoiding pass rushers.
  12. It was a pain. The AR “pistol” I just went easy and used blue painters tape.
  13. Well I guess I finally figured something out though I’m not sure how I did it. I built both AR’s from scratch. The carbine at the top is a Kel Tec Sub-2000 chambered in 9. While they’re inexpensive that one is definitely over $1k with the upgrades I had the good folks at Mcarbo do to it. That’s my car gun. The gun below it is a 10.5 AR “pistol” chambered in 5.56 — really shoulda built that one in 300 AAC. The tan handgun below is my everyday carry, the Sig M18. I added a red dot optic and I can knock steel targets past 50 with it! Glock 17 is to the right of the sig. That’s my bed gun. I attached a TRL-8 laser/light combo to it. Below that is my pride-n-joy. Spared no expense. I used a Faxon gunner barrel, it’s a bull barrel in the back, skinny in the front. I used a Aero upper and lower receivers. I got a lightweight bolt from Faxon to go with the barrel. I have a hydraulic buffer as opposed to spring. I used Bravo company parts for the guts and kept the trigger milspec — this thing needs to be able to be fed scavenged rounds so I opted not to do any fancy trigger work. I added an eotech w/ 3x magnifier. That gun is a work horse. I love it. I have a .22 but she’s not in the picture and .22’s Are boring. ...it is ill advised to riot at my house. And yes, I spray paint my guns.
  14. Cant😢 Dunno how to make the file size smaller on my phone.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/daniel-prude-newly-appointed-rochester-232046167.html ...a “mental health emergency” they called it. How do you handle that? Send out thought-n-prayers? Have social workers go give him a hug? Im not glad the guy died — but honestly, what was his value to society and did society really take a loss?
  16. Are we allowed to post gun pics? I’m not a bragger....but I’m kinda proud...all my ARs were built by me....I put a lot of love and care into my work.
  17. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I meant Darnold. Im always high on football day. Helps with the stress. I got an excuse.
  18. Adam Gase — the only joke bigger is the Jets organization itself. Pathetic. I feel so bad for Sam Bradford. Poor kid.
  19. C’mon — the interception was bogus, but did we not get a flag on 4th-n-game?
  20. He’s gonna connect one day on one of them pitch backs and it’s gonna be epic.
  21. Oh thank god. This **** is not good for my stress level man.
  22. Are they going to go for it?! I do not support that. Kick the damn ball.
  23. If this is an L it’s not on Josh, it’s on the D and McD.
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