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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Because that’s how life works. Ultimately decisions were made that lead to the accident. Trying to find out what went on to prevent things like this from happening should be part of the process.
  2. Because blame has to fall somewhere. For Haskins sake, culpability that falls on someone else brings better light to his death. Nobody wants to be remembered for a bad decision that lead to their demise. The driver gets to live, culpable or not. Living is still better than being dead, even if you have to carry the burden.
  3. Pre major technological advances, this would make a little more sense. But we have phones, on star, (potentially friends in the car - (Yolo)) , and other technology. I just don’t really understand it I guess. I wonder if the Steelers organization will do the right thing. Haskins had no guaranteed money, I wonder if they will give some of that contract money to his grieving family. If I was an NFL owner, I would do something out of a decent gesture.
  4. Maybe he was walking to the nearest exit, we don’t officially know. The CNN article I linked to earlier said he was walking on the road (presumably on the shoulder) and he then attempted to cross multiple lanes of the highway. The question is why? What could be so dire that you felt like you needed to risk your own life just to get to the other side. You are right, I personally don’t think walking ANYWHERE near a highway is a good idea. I would personally pull over as far as I reasonable can off the shoulder and call for a tow, friends, or the police. Some of us are just trying to understand the thought processes that lead to this incidence. I think the only reasonable explanation would be over confidence. This is all assuming even if the CNN story is factually correct.
  5. I eluded to this earlier in the thread. I’ve been trying to think of this from multiple angles and this is the only reasonable thing I could think of. I figured the decision must of stemmed from overconfidence. Simply relying on his elite athleticism, thinking he could do it. But maybe we won’t find out the real motive for his decision to cross the interstate. I would have to assume though, if it was because of car trouble, he would have enough connections to come help him. After all he is a professional athlete and all he would have to do is make a phone call. I just feel bad. Terrible really. I would just like to know what was going through his head at the moment he made these decisions. Just trying to make sense of it. I think we have all made some risky decisions in life that we would probably want back. I just hope for his sake there is more to the story than simply just making a bad mistake. Hopefully it was simply just an accident and the driver was mostly at fault. Either way, it doesn’t take away a persons dignity, and Haskins deserves that. Sober or not. May all those involved get the peace they deserve.
  6. People get a thrill of the chase. It’s why we discuss drafts, weather forecasts, stock forecasts. There is no harm in it. It’s investigating, using facts to try and tie a story. Ultimately yes, the real story is what matters, but all of us are just positing possibilities. Condolences have been said, and it’s a sad story, but there is no harm in trying to figure out how or why the story transpired.
  7. This is all fine and dandy, but mostly people aren’t trying to cross a busy interstate. There isn’t much common sense into the speculation. Distressed judgement is about the best you can hope for.
  8. I obviously can’t control what people say or do here. Sadly some people will always go for the lowest hanging fruit. But even if it is unpalatable news, I think people are going to speculate either negative or positively. I simply just try and find some kind of message in a story, no matter what the story tells. I’m not going to slander Haskins either way, nobody is perfect but if it can help somebody in their life, it should be told even if people will use it for negative purposes.
  9. It’s called investigative reasoning. There is nothing wrong with trying to find out what happened. It doesn’t take away from the sadness or the person Haskins was.
  10. I honestly don’t care how it happened, just want to know so we can learn from it. Was it purely accidental? If so ok, let’s try and understand the thought processes, so we can try and reduce the risks so we can possibly save a life in the future. Was it alcohol, drugs, or suicide? Oh well if it was, we can still use it as a learning experience. I don’t like it when families cover up incidences, otherwise how can we try and prevent these things from happening in the future. Maybe their story will help someone. Even if this was a sober incident. The public can still learn from it. Was it overconfidence in ability to cross a road? Was it a stress induced misjudgment? Was it a spur of the moment thrill? We may never know, but it’s important to try and get the correct story so families and people can look at it as educational.
  11. How else could you rationalize crossing an interstate by foot? Either it was overconfidence, for the thrill, or just distressed misjudgment. I’m just trying different angles here to try and make it make sense.
  12. I do know some people live for the thrill, even if “normal” people see it as foolish. I knew a person like that. Would walk on train tracks and roads just to live in the moment, full knowing it was dangerous. Maybe Haskins just thought he could make it, because why not? He’s made it to where he was on elite talent, why wouldn’t you believe in yourself. This story is honestly really interesting. Just trying to understand it all.
  13. I mean I suppose. It’s conceivably possible. Just seems strange. Being an ultra competitive athlete, maybe he thought his athletic abilities could make it to the other side faster for help. Who honestly knows.
  14. The article made it sound like it was random walking on the highway. I didn’t see reports of a distressed vehicle stalled on the highway. I’m sure that would be a big piece of the story. I’m sure it possible it broke down a few feet back and he walked a ways, but why cross a major highway? To me that is the biggest question. I’m not sure how that makes sense.
  15. What I don’t understand is, even if the car was broken down, why would you attempted to cross it onto oncoming traffic? Wouldn’t you want to walk to the nearest exit? Parents? Friends? I don’t understand.
  16. Politics aside, it’s a major news network. If they are wrong, I hope they correct it. But currently it’s reported that he was willfully walking along the highway and decided to walk across it. For whatever reason we can only guess.
  17. “Walking on the road for unknown reasons” Only sane reason to be would be a broken down car, but even then, I would never walk near the shoulder, not from my lifetime experience with drivers and videos that have circulated. You call for a tow, or AAA, or the police. Either way it’s tragic, I’m just trying to make sense out of it. Even if it truly meant suicide. There is no harm in trying to know the facts so we can learn from it. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/09/sport/dwayne-haskins-steelers-death-spt-intl/index.html
  18. The cnn article I read said he was “walking” on the highway and then decided to cross the highway. How far away from his car was he? The biggest question is, if he was walking on the shoulder (presumably) why did he decide to cross it to the other side?
  19. Even if it was (not saying it is) suicide, it doesn’t change anything. It’s still tragic. I just think most people are just curious to what led up to the tragic incident. People like to learn, so we can attempt to prevent further tragic incidences. More people need to understand it’s imperative that if your car is breaking down to get over on the shoulder as quickly and safely as possible. And remain in your car until help arrives. Under no circumstances should you walk out onto the shoulder access or even thinking about crossing (which supposedly) he tried to do.
  20. I mean, you are a professional athlete. AAA? Friends? I don’t get it. But RIP anyways. So sad.
  21. Am I bad person? I laughed. Sorry.
  22. ?? But why. I don’t think I’ve ever willing tried to cross an interstate as a pedestrian.
  23. It’s absolutely tragic. I can only imagine the pain. This place would be a disaster if it was Allen instead. I don’t even want to think about it.
  24. Wow, completely messed up. Things like this are why life sucks at times. Imagine if we woke up to news that Allen died like this. Absolutely heartbreaking.
  25. About as likely as my Grambling State lol If he goes to UB, I will personally go down to the Amazon, capture an anaconda and bring it to the season opener. I will ride it out of the tunnel during the charge.
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