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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. They are a business. They are going to keep doing it until their bottom line is affected.
  2. No, it still wouldn’t change the matter. It would still be utterly disgusting and appalling, but individual actions don’t have nearly the ruinous affect that collective rigging would. It would kill the league.
  3. From a brand tarnishment point of view, absolutely. Would a lot of people stop watching the NFL if they truly found out it was rigged? I know I would. There are times I feel like it is, but have no proof of it. If it was ever proved to be rigged, I’d stop watching tomorrow.
  4. You just know it would happen. That’s the last thing they want. More public eyes on this. Not that it would probably matter. People used to watch other people kill other people for entertainment.
  5. How is it not? Giving the NFL money while being upset? What would you call it?
  6. lol it’s 100% why they did it. People are so obtuse.
  7. Bingo. It’s not going to happen. Take it to the bank.
  8. Watson is too good of a football player for that to happen. If Watson was a marginally talented player, you can bet your *** the hammer would have been smashed by now. The NFL is taking a financially calculated risk here by thinking Watson will generate the league more money than it will lose. Business decisions.
  9. Maybe Kraft will invite him over for a steak dinner. Explain him the ways of a horny man.
  10. Because sadly Muppy, that’s the only things these businesses care about. Watson won’t be the last case, there will be tons more players with issues and the NFL will just slap wrists because financially they have no reason to change their behavior. That’s all I’m saying. People can be outraged etc etc, but it won’t matter if said outraged fans still financially support the NFL through one of their revenue streams, ie the Bills.
  11. Because condemnation without physical action is complicity. We don’t want to admit it, but it is. We all have levels of tolerance and acceptance. The Bills are part of the NFL. People hate the “NFL” for this, but it won’t change because financially the NFL doesn’t get hurt by it. What motivation does the NFL have for change if it doesn’t get hit in the wallet? Behaviors don’t change unless people demand it. NFL only knows one thing, and that’s money.
  12. Sorry, that was not my intentions. Apology if it made it feel like I was belittling you. I’m just trying to make people understand it’s all a sickness that many people don’t want to accept.
  13. Its extremely complicated. I’ve mulled this psychologically for years with the numerous shady things that have happened within the NFL. I’ve learned to accept the illness, some cope with it, others straight up deny it while knowingly or unknowingly support it, while others truly stand and take action ie Boycotting. I’m vehemently against what Watson and others have done, but I’m addicted to football. It is what it is.
  14. Last time I checked the Bills are part of the NFL. Supporting the bills directly feeds the NFL. This isn’t hard.
  15. Modern day gladiators. Been saying it for years. People watched other people fight to the death for entertainment. This subjective morality hand gesturing is funny, but nothing new.
  16. The faux outrage while still shouting go Bills is delicious. I’m here for it. It’s ok guys, embrace the sickness.
  17. It’s why all this hot air is moot. It doesn’t matter what the public thinks about this. Scummy or not, it’s the modern day gladiators. It’s a sickness a lot of us possess. I’m not going to deny it, it’s why I personally don’t care about the ruling. I just want football. It’s a deep seated human trait to low key not feel outraged to the point of morally boycotting a product or service we psychologically enjoy. It’s straight up complicity to not turn the other way while rooting for a team or business despite knowing the inner workings, but I’ve already personally accepted that.
  18. I couldn’t boycott it either, I have the utmost respect for anyone that can boycott a product for whatever stance. That takes guts and true personal conviction, and is the only way to make change. Nothing happens if people or businesses aren’t hit in the wallet. Maybe it’s just my opinion, but I feel anything short of a boycott and it’s complicity. We pretend it’s not, but it is.
  19. I get it, I feel this way too. But at the end of the day, feeling like an institution is scummy means nothing if we don’t financially punish said institution. The unwanted behavior will just continue. It is hypocritical, I’m guilty of it, we all are. But I’m not going to pretend to act all outraged about it if I’m not prepared to personally boycott it otherwise it’s just hot air.
  20. I mean sure, we can all hold Watsons actions were disgusting. But looking the other way and still supporting the Bills and thus the NFL perpetuates the notions that deep down, nobody truly cares.
  21. But I don’t get it then. If you all feel this way, how can you even be posting here and supporting the Bills. The Bills are the NFL. People who continue to support the Bills and hold this view seems severely hypocritical.
  22. It doesn’t matter what the public thinks. The NFL made that clear when they hired the judge. If the NFL cared about public opinion, they would have acted independently. I would be extremely shocked if they appeal the decisions after going through all this.
  23. I would be extremely surprised that the NFL will appeal. Why hiring a 3rd party judge to oversee the decision if you were wanting to do the year? Why even bring in a judge if you aren’t going to follow the judgement? Such a waste of theatrics.
  24. So the “NFL is scummy” employer of dirt bags. This is a shared sentiment right? But GO Bills!? Lol
  25. Of course not, but it’s a business and the NFL has clearly already crunched the numbers. They know they will not lose much money compared to what Watson will generate. If they truly thought this would affect the bottom line, he would be banned from the league. Everyone says this, and yet here we all are. Until people turn off the set and stop buying tickets and merch, it means nothing.
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