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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Which this basically means #1 O and #1 D considering we have played the Rams and Titans.
  2. All because of the love affair with Moss. I’d much rather keep Blackshear who has shown more than Moss ever will.
  3. 1 games suspension? Ace Hart
  4. No more looking like, it’s time for doing. Show me the baby!
  5. And yet, we haven’t won a super bowl. Just because you are starting, doesn’t mean you are necessarily good enough to win a super bowl.
  6. Renaming right for WinCo
  7. We already have those
  8. Im fully expecting at least 2 weeks of missed action. If he plays before 2 weeks, it will just go to show you how tough Dane is.
  9. He will likely have a lot of general soreness from this. To expect him back this week or even next would be incredible.
  10. Only on tbd can you find fans ignoring the fact that Edmunds is solely responsible for potentially putting a teammate on IR due to his lack of instincts. He’s played better lately, but it is this bs that could have been prevented if he was a better football player.
  11. Lol as opposed to Cook fumbling and doing jack?
  12. There are a lot of things that are of not of consent. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen men and surprisingly women do open sex acts on trains, in public squares, or in clubs without consent and nothing was done about it. People just tuned it out like it’s a thing.
  13. Yes, I’m talking about these places that had soft vs hard consent. Major double takes, couldn’t believe it really. The wording from the nfl judge fits my experience pretty closely in how those things were tolerated there.
  14. There are a LOT more details other than those things I’ve listed. It wouldn’t be fitting, and most of these things happened in deep Eastern Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world.
  15. I’ve been told by a moderator I’m not allowed to talk about it, so I can’t elaborate on it. So we just have to drop it.
  16. I’m not allowed to talk about it anymore so I cannot elaborate further from my experiences nor do people have a willingness to hear about it. So this conversation isn’t going to go any further.
  17. Soft consent vs hard consent is real. Or at least it was for the places I’ve been. I couldn’t believe how some things were so casual and I had to do double takes at times. Ok I’m done, I’ve said what I’ve said.
  18. I’m truly sorry, my intentions were not to belittle this topic but only to view things from other lenses.
  19. I know that, but go travel to some far off places and you will know precisely what I’m talking about.
  20. I’m done talking about it because it is useless to do so, but the more you travel you see some very out there stuff that makes America seem conservative by nature. By our standards Watson should absolutely be punished, pretty sure we are all in agreement there. My only point was to discuss at how different places perceive these things.
  21. It is gross, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the legality/morality issues around the world and what is “acceptable behavior. People should talk about it, because life happens and these are hard things to talk about but that’s the nature of the world. Sexual deviancy is a very complex issue. Have you actually listened to any psychological analysis on it before?
  22. It depends on what Watson did. I don’t know the precise actions he did. But most of what Watson did is extremely common in the rest of the world. It’s not morally right for most Americans or ourselves, but you would be surprised at how prevalent it is in massage parlors.
  23. Sometimes no. You get random people pleasuring themselves, but it’s a live sex place so you kind of just have to ignore it. I’ve had conversations with Vietnamese women and they says non consensual actions get flaunted all the time. Generally low assault like flashing, but rarely anything forceful.
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