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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Because it was physically impossible to play the game. Come on. It’s not physically impossible to play the game this weekend, it’s a mentality thing.
  2. It’s foolish if they don’t think they could watch a teammate die. Why would anyone think otherwise? You are talking about violent contact. You could die from internal bleeding if hit just right. Just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean the probability is low. Perfectly fit soccer players have died on the pitch from heart attacks, etc. If they want to take personal time off from the game, that’s fine, but the game must go on, even if it’s played by practice squad players. Even if we lose 64-0. Nobody cares about the poor family that needs these games for the local economic benefit. Nobody cares that 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and having a hard time affording rent/mortgage or buying food. The game must be played for that simple fact alone. Well, I have wise words for everyone here. You might want to do personal risk assessments at your place of employment, because something as simple as a frayed computer monitor cable could kill you. The players might want to do some deep thinking if they didn’t think they could die playing a violent game.
  3. It’s foolish if they don’t. If they don’t think that, they need to re-evaluate their life decisions. Maybe the NFL isn’t for people after this incident, which is fine, everyone is free to make life choices. Nobody is forcing these players to play a violent game, they choose to play on their own accords. Nearly every job comes with a risk of death, which is exactly why a lot of employers or self employed people take out ADD policies.
  4. I know I would. In fact, I would be mad if they didn’t.
  5. As a player, you should be prepared for everything, including possible death. It comes with the territory of violent contact. If they aren’t , then they should look for a new profession. We have linemen in this country that work with dangerous conditions 24/7 and some get electrocuted. It’s sad, and it’s tragic, but it’s a known risk. Unfortunately we have to deal with the best we can with risk assessments. Nobody is forcing them to suit up, if individual players don’t want to play fine, put in backups and take a loss. There are too many people that are dependent on games being played for the local economy. 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and need the money to provide for their families. The game must go on, even if we lose 64-0.
  6. I mean, you have 60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, but nobody cares if they are dependent on a game being played for the local economy.
  7. Exactly. What about Tom, that gets paid based on working at events, and now can’t get paid to feed his family because a game doesn’t get played. This isn’t just about Hamlin. Nobody cares if Tom has food to provide for his family.
  8. NFL players play a violent game, they know the deal. I’ve literally seen accidents as a standard civilian (I’m not medical) where dead bodies are hanging out of a vehicle. It sucks, and I always wish their loved ones the best, but life goes on. You clean up the mess, and you would never know anything every happened. They must play or forfeit. You can’t hold the rest of the league back because you are scared to move forward. There are hundreds of sponsors, hundreds of workers that are dependent on game play (otherwise they can’t support their families). It’s not that we are heartless or we don’t care, many people care, but life doesn’t stop for anyone.
  9. Because nearly everyone in existence does it. Our jobs expect us back within reasonable times, nobody is on bereavement. If people need time to console themselves, they can take personal time off and let the players that want to play, play. If you are in a fox hole and your comrade get’s blown up, you don’t sit in the corner of the trench and curl into a fetal position. Life demands us to keep moving forward, otherwise we de-evolve.
  10. Or a Gatorade bottle and sweatpants.
  11. LOL I guess we are just little people who have to cook for ourselves all the time vs isolated via blizzard.
  12. Well he did draft Cody Ford. Needs to do better on the front.
  13. Kick the Vicodin habit and the wallet will be fatter.
  14. Nobody here is wanting to be repressive China, but you guys don’t know what nuance is, so here we are. It’s possible to recognize the good and the bad. The problem is, our country has major major issues. We need to fix it and become great again the right way. Access to education, churn out engineers, and build America with the best technology the world can see. Stop designing products to fail artificially, and make something worth being proud of.
  15. I recommend on just traveling to visit. It’s an eye opener. Sure they are regressive in a lot of other areas, but man does China know how to build epic projects. We used to as well, but then our country stopped giving a darn. We waste more money blowing up things than doing important things like cheaper access to higher education so we can have a well established pool of engineers and doctors. We need to stop with the bs planned obsolescence too and design things to last like we did years ago. Link to peer reviewed science journals with some proof?
  16. I didn’t say China was leading in quality of life, just that other countries are. Mainly European countries and Japan. China is leading in infrastructure technology, we have lagged behind. Most of our infrastructure was building the 1950s. We need a huge trillion dollar package strictly for legitimate infrastructure projects.
  17. Did I say that? I don’t support their government. But it’s obvious our country is falling behind in many things because our politicians don’t give a crap. We no longer lead in important things like math/science scores, infrastructure, or quality of life metrics. We rather spend 2 trillion on foreign BS wars than make our country better.
  18. Lol bro, you realize they have transportation infrastructure our country could only dream of? We barely even have trains that goes faster than 80mph for a small portion of the US. Have you seen their new airports? Makes JFK look like a dumpster. The people are doing fine and thriving. I wish we had this. Some of you really need to travel the world more. The US isn’t special anymore and in many ways lagging behind.
  19. They were cringy at times, but don’t think they are nearly as bad as Joe Buckoff or Collinsworthless. Not sure who made the Cheetah Penguin David Attenborough comment, but I laughed. The David Attenborough twist made me laugh though, but ya the whole cheetah penguin thing as a whole is getting old.
  20. This is purely Lewis’s fault. Hope he gets cut.
  21. We win more, I like winning.
  22. Maybe if I get some time next week I will dig into it a bit more. It could mean nothing, but just thought our 15-4 record with solid colors was possibly statistically significant to warrant a further look across the league.
  23. Maybe nobody has looked into the data? How many teams even have a “color rush” uniform that is vibrant enough? Vikings, Seattle, Bills, Titans, Dolphins, Broncos? It would be interesting to see how these other teams records faired vs standard uniforms to see if similar trends exist like they do for Allen and the Bills.
  24. Lol same KC everything except having all whites like the colts. Allen is 15-4 in solid color uniforms. It improves visuals and anticipation.
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