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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Come on people, think about it. We put out 5 wide a fairly decent amount per game. We are keeping 7 and maybe even 8WRs, especially now that we have a competent backup QB. 2QBs and less TEs is expected.
  2. Given our low punt rates and even lower punt rates this year, yes. Taiwan is no Steve Tasker.
  3. It’s not when we barely punt the ball and we will probably punt less this year than last. Haack also has better hangtime and can get a fair amount of fair catch rates.
  4. Probably 8, because I don’t think they cut Hodgkins. Given how often we go 5 wide, keeping 8 makes sense. I think we roll with 2 QBs.
  5. Considering Haack speciality is hangtime and punts being downed inside the 20, Taiwan is fairly expendable. Especially considering how low we punt, which I figured this year will be even lower given I expect Josh and this offense to put up even better numbers this year.
  6. Anybody got video of that pressure today? Rousseau’s closing speed was incredible.
  7. Dude I’m not expecting it, but how awesome would that be!
  8. Great story in an otherwise depressing world.
  9. I liked Duke, but he hasn’t shown anything in months and he is slow now. It’s time to move on. I still hold out hope for Wade, but I’m losing patience with him as well. Hopefully he gets another shot.
  10. It wouldn’t surprise me if Duke ran his mouth or something like I’m open but Allen isn’t finding me enough at some point and basically soured any relationship. LOL if Allen can’t find him, nobody on Bellicheck’s squad will.
  11. Doesn’t matter how many times I see this, I still get excited. Someone should post the Sewell sack. Can’t wait to see all future Rousseau sacks posted here.
  12. I think the match ups bode well. Sewell is a very good prospect and the fact he had success early against him is a good sign.
  13. It’s very impressive, and a great way to start your career. I really hope he’s finally an answer to our pass rushing problems.
  14. I never said he was. If he reminds me of anyone its Mario.
  15. Well he definitely has some power, he’s been pushing his linemen backwards quite a bit.
  16. I will try and post all of Rousseau’s sacks in here going forward.
  17. I didn’t realize a tropical fruit could make me laugh so much. 😂
  18. Lol everyone in the stadium is going to be like Rooooooooooouuu. And I’m going to be like, who are we cheering for? Table sauce? 😂
  19. “What wisdom can you find that is greater than sacks” - Rousseau
  20. Somebody needs to add Rousseau to this a pic of him painting him sacking a QB on the canvas. There was also a Rousseau painter.
  21. Going to give AJ a shout out as well, his sack today was bad things! Just straight up activated Pamplona mode.
  22. I think he will over time, but it’s impressive he’s able to beat people on power and length alone. He’s instinctive enough to peel off at the right moments. His arms will just take you in. I know he isn’t Bruce, but his arm take downs remind me so much of it.
  23. Rousseau is going to paint a happy little cloud on every single QB he meets!
  24. He’s a disruptor. It’s obvious more than last game. Even if he can’t get to you, he’s deep enough to cause major issues and he can contain which is huge.
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