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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Everyone has a price. At some point you have to be aggressive with picks. At some point, leaning and relying on Allen to do everything is going to break Allen and he will be out a few weeks due to injury. It’s sickening and maddening at the same time.
  2. It’s just sad honestly. Knowing how close we are to winning a super bowl. We are a few pieces away and it hurts knowing we aren’t getting those pieces this year.
  3. Well that about sums it up, don’t know what to tell ya champ. If we wanted to improve, we would have upgraded somewhere. Sorry facts bother you. Our Oline has struggle with less. We aren’t winning a super bowl yet, so might as well prepare for it. I thought going into this year we would, but I’ve seen enough Oline play to tell you we aren’t. It’s always next year. When do we make the push? When do we finally win the super bowl. Tired of waiting.
  4. I guess we don’t like improving
  5. Other teams are getting better. Rams making a push, and we do nothing to answer it. Our Oline is going to get smashed around. If we don’t trade then it’s just proof Beane doesn’t know when to make moves at the right time. Now is when you make those aggressive moves.
  6. Other teams making moves and getting better and we spin our wheels in the mud. Is it any wonder we haven’t won a super bowl yet.
  7. I doubt it happens, but if we did land Khalil, I will take the whole week off.
  8. Who do the Saints have that would help us out?
  9. Agreed, which is why I voted for Barkley. I honestly think he could be had.
  10. Somewhere some place, somebody has connected a flesh light to the F5 button.
  11. Even if we had to throw in our 1st, I’d do this trade in a heart beat.
  12. Id be ok with a Scherff Gibson package. We trade Mitch and Singletary for Scherff and Gibson. Make it so.
  13. Because we are missing something those 90s teams had. An elite RB. People think Singletary and Moss are the answer, and they aren’t.
  14. Because our franchise has never won a super bowl. We are tired of waiting. Just win. I don’t care how we win, just win. If that means making trades, so be it. No more excuses.
  15. Then blame Beane, he hasn’t built a good enough roster to win a super bowl. He needs to trim the fat then in order to make these moves.
  16. Everyone has a price. The problem is Beane isn’t willing to make big boy deals. That’s his problem. In order to hit the next level, you have to be willing to go out on a limb. He’s afraid because he doesn’t want to whiff and be put in a predicament. Our team just doesn’t have enough to talent to beat a team like TB or the rams because of the line battles. We need to trade for a OG and a RB that is better than what we have. The RBs available in the draft this year or in FA are not good enough.
  17. LOL tell that to the rams with Von Miller. Good teams find a way to get better. No more excuses.
  18. That would be Barkley. Our team is much much further along than the Merriman piece. We just need another guard and a star RB.
  19. So my answer is to go get Scherff and Barkley. Getting those two would get us a super bowl. I’m 100% confident about that. We can worry about the money problems later, just get us the super bowl monkey off our backs.
  20. The fact that Singletary and Moss are leading the polls is precisely why the Bills are never going to win a super bowl. It’s time to think big guys, we have the pieces, but we need stronger pieces to get us over the hump. We need to trade for Scherff and Barkley.
  21. I hate it. Our franchise hasn’t done crap in it’s entire existence. We are ready right now, and I hope we pull the trigger. If we don’t do anything, I’m not entirely sure we have enough to beat teams like TB or the Rams. Their D lines will abuse us. Players like Scherff and Barkley would help counter those defenses.
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