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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. Elon has already stated he wants to transition away from cobalt used in the cathode. At the very least away from Congo cobalt. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/9/22/21451670/tesla-cobalt-free-cathodes-mining-battery-nickel-ev-cost
  2. Most of lithium mining is surface mining. Usually desert salt flats.
  3. Not necessarily. EVs, from cradle to grave still have a lower footprint, even if powered by coal generated electricity. This is due to the greater efficiencies of electric generation/transmission and electric motors. Lithium mining still polluted less than hydrofractured oil/gas. MIT and others have already make very good calculations on this. EVs are the cleanest, especially if they are powered by solar and renewables. Most of the batteries are able to be recycled and the majority of the metals are recoverable.
  4. Why would anyone buy a Tesla outside of it’s warranty range full knowing that batteries are the most expensive to replace. While most Teslas will last well over 100k miles as battery degradation on average is reliable, it’s still a big risk to buy an old model past warranty. Something isn’t adding up in the story. It says he bought it in 2013 (assuming new), and it was fine for the 1st 1,000 miles. Tesla S are warrantied 150k miles or 8 years. Sounds like he used the Tesla well up until this year and it fell past the 8 year warranty. If you are getting 150k miles on a car, that’s about average before things go downhill.
  5. For how does one score 1.1 touchdowns? That’s if someone throws an Asian adult toy on the end zone during a touchdown.
  6. Don’t know, but it would explain the angst. I get upset with this team all the time and probably will until we win a super bowl. Only explanation I could think of.
  7. If someone throws an adult toy on the end zone during a touchdown.
  8. I’m glad we have Jerry Sullivan here. Sometimes it’s needed to be an *** to light a fire under underperforming teams. The goal is to win a super bowl, and I’m glad there are people out there that expect it and keep that standard.
  9. found on Russian dump? Or heinous American rat trash?
  10. Faalele is a monster. He’s my top choice.
  11. Allen is the only QB to ever have a no punt game against BB. End of thread.
  12. Pretty sure he paid their training at the Southeast lineman college.
  13. Ike is 6’6 . And he is currently our LT, but I feel like Dawkins is better suited for LG. Faalele is a monster and so is Penning. I’d love to have them on our team.
  14. He bought Orchid spa and made the linemen part owners.
  15. Agreed. I’d go Penning and Faalele and Patterson. Kick Dawkins and Brown inside and they are still LT/RT good depth. We’d be set.
  16. Penning-Dawkins-Patterson/Morris-Brown-Faalele Please make it happen.
  17. I get all that and sometimes players need to understand it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. They should be willing to help the team anyway they can. There are some massive bodies in the draft this year that I would like to see be drafted by the Bills. I would target Penning and Faalele really hard and put Dawkins and Brown inside. We would have a massive line with depth.
  18. Dawkins is good, but he get’s overwhelmed at times. He had a close holding call on the Allen scramble. We need help inside and I would like to see if Dawkins can handle LG next year.
  19. Dion Dawkins is a great player, but we need help in the interior and I’m curious how he’d fair kicking inside to LG next year and draft a LT. If the rookie LT struggles we always have Dawkins as a back up.
  20. Trevor Penning Daniel Faalele Jarrett Patterson These would be my first 3 picks in the draft. I’d go hard after Brandon Scherff in FA. Penning LT Dawkins LG Patterson/Morris C Scherff RG Brown/ Faalele RT We’d be set to roll big time.
  21. Didn’t we just sign TE Harry Richards to the PS last week?
  22. We still need a true burner, but I’d like to keep Singletary as the #2 back going forward.
  23. Buffalo already claimed Russia. New open air stadium. In Russia, touchdown throws Josh Allen.
  24. Loud moaning noises.
  25. No, Josh has hinted at more control.
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