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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. I seen some talk in another thread and decided to join to share my thoughts. There was talk about people being extremely sick ill back in December, and I can attest to this. It started for me on Black Friday with a sore throat that turned into a fever, body aches, and overall just feeling like junk. I however think this illness just weakened my immune system to get something way more seriously the first week in Dec. I still went to work while battling that cold, which was probably a mistake because it made me susceptible to other illnesses. I sit next another employee who's wife does international banking all over the country (including frequent long trips to China). She came back on thanksgiving to be home for the holidays. His whole family ended up getting sick, including him. I'm fairly confident I also had whatever his family had, because the entire office around him was ill too. It spread like something I have never seen. I ended up getting my parents ill too. The symptoms were much of the COVID-19. Started off with a massive headache (I never get headaches, but I couldn't even look my computer at work), then it went to my digestive track, next thing I know I have this fever and cough that would not go away. I usually workout everyday for about an hour and half after work but that was impossible (the exhaustion was immense). I would say for 2 and half full weeks I would wake up in legit puddles of sweat. I will never forget on Dec 13th (Friday the 13th), I thought I was a goner. My fever was so bad I was like almost blacking out. From there I had this cough and breathing issue that was so frustrating because there was like nothing to cough up. I coughed till at least mid January. My sister had this breathing machine for asthma, and I ended up doing that for about 3 weeks everyday. It was helping for a little, but had to do it about every 4 hours. This spread to my parents pretty bad and my mom ended up going to the doctors. The doctor told her it was probably pneumonia and gave her something (Doctor did very little because it has been so many weeks already since it started). Hands down the sickest I have ever been especially for how long it lasted. You would have days you felt ok, but then you would wake up the next day and have no idea how you are sicker than before. I consider myself a pretty healthy person too (kind of immune obsessed). I take all these precautions that the CDC wants now, every day (washing of hands, eating healthy, supplementary vitamins, holding large gatherings, etc.). This sickness in Dec was too strong though. Sorry it's long, but I seen some other posts on it and wanted to share what I experienced too. I did apply for that antibody test in that other thread.
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