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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. The votes will need to be checked. Votes will need to be certified. Tapes from polling locations will need to be investigated. There is already countless examples of fraud going on with video examples on twitter.
  2. Elections are decided in like 7 states. It doesn't take much to sway an election.
  3. Hahahaha, there is only one side that was for mail in voting, and it wasn't the Republicans. You are really clueless about fraud and illegal voting, aren't you? This is farrrrrrrrrr from over. This will be in courts for years.
  4. It is not a coincidence that this is the highest voter turnout ever. Not hard to do when Dems are voting by mail and in person.
  5. They were just counting the illegal votes, so they were actually right on.
  6. With a username like Wacky, what would you expect?
  7. Your basing your opinion off a picture that you have no idea what is happening. What is the difference?
  8. I have no idea why NFL franchises don't get rid of guys on expiring deals when they are completely out of it. It never makes sense to me, but continues to happen year after year. Get rid of the comps picks. I think that would help a little.
  9. Ya, Florida is done. It's Trumps.
  10. He has played outside his whole career, but I do wonder when Norman comes back if he could play inside. Taron just isn't cutting it.
  11. You can't make this stuff up. Literally ask why Democrats act like is it a farce, and you claim it is some dude making it up. Hahaha
  12. I would refuse to leave too with all the fraud going on: https://twitter.com/MichaelCoudrey Scroll through guys feed. State after state with issues.
  13. How come all Democrats act like voting fraud is some farce made up thing?
  14. Gabe Davis is a waste of a starting WR spot. With Brown struggling though injuries, we need to try something else at outside WR. Whether it is a trade,or Duke, we need an outside WR that is actually capable. Davis is a better slot guy.
  15. See I don't agree with that one bit. Trump has great international relationships, I'm honestly scared for our safety with Biden as President. The guy is going to get taken advantage of. Trump has also been great for the economy (before COVID). Biden's plan to tax the rich is not how you build a strong overall economy.
  16. Legit question, how does anyone support Biden? I can understand if you don't view Trump favorably, but how the heck do people like this guy? The guy is a phony politician who just talks like he hasn't ever been in office with the ability to make changes. The guy used his time in office to get his family ahead, instead of America ahead, yet don't worry about him telling you how much he is going to do for the middle class. Biden supporters: What has Biden done that makes you feel confident that he can successfully lead this country into his 80s?
  17. Was this supposed to be funny? Not really sure what you are even trying to say. You saying McD and Beane won't let him leave, or Duke doesn't want to leave?
  18. I would take the 10 targets to Davis, at least it would require the defense to respect that Allen will go there. The problem is, Davis doesn't get separation and Allen doesn't trust him to win one on ones so he avoids him and forces it to Diggs who is being blanketed by 2 to 3 defenders.
  19. The point is that Davis is not an outside WR. When he has to fill in for Brown, he hurts the team more than helps. At least Duke is a presence out there on the outside and can free up Diggs more. Davis can't get opened on outside and then drops it when he does. Teams don't even have to worry about him.
  20. You need more than that out a high paid FS. You send out a rookie to stand back there and do that.
  21. Honestly, not really sure what you were. Davis is a non-factor out there. Duke is a factor when he is given snaps.
  22. Hyde playing against Seattle will mean nothing. Hyde is useless out there. I'm sure he will float around and make tackles 30 yards down the field.
  23. Another game Davis gets time in, another game he is useless.
  24. Another game where Oliver's biggest play was a penalty that resulted in a long 3rd down being a 1st, while Jefferson got a sack. Oliver is being outplayed by many DTs this year, including a DT drafted after him in Wilkins.
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