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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. My biggest grip about the entire draft, this team didn't get faster. I wanted them to draft a better version of McKenzie. Someone that can stretch the field, run some Jet sweeps, and be the returner. Like a Hardman from KC. Roberts taking up a spot on this team kind of irritates me, not because he isn't decent at what he does, it's just so little in today's NFL.
  2. The NHL model always made way more sense to me. The salary cap and players yearly salary is not what the actual real dollars are because of escrow. They split the revenue and that is how much the players have to split up to get paid. Usually they make around 85% to 90% of what their contract says in a year, this year there is talk of 50%. It allows for an equal distribution of lost revenue from what was projected.
  3. I don't think Hodgens makes it. He has very slow feet. It will be very easy to NFL DBs to defend him. I also am not sure if Fromm makes it. He is not better than Barkley right now and this team needs depth at other positions right now. Don't see us carrying 3 QBs. Dane Jackson is interesting to me. I think he might make it. He is a very physical player which this team loves. I'm not a huge fan of Taron Johnson and want more competition at nickel CB. I hope Jackson can provide that.
  4. Haven't been impressed with Trey Adams from the videos out there (Plenty of vids on youtube on the Washington O line). The guy is overpowered a lot and kind of clumsy. We shall see, but I don't see him beating out Bates.
  5. I actually think that was exactly the case. They all three were on the same team and Fromm was the starter. That to me is beating the other guy.
  6. Ya, but it's a different animal playing in the SEC game after game. Guys like Eason and Fields had to leave the conference because they couldn't beat out Fromm, you really think Peterman would have? The ACC just isn't very good anymore.
  7. Talbot is going off of comments from the GM, what is Kirby going off of? Certainly nothing is better than the GMs mouth.
  8. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/04/28/bills-appeared-to-be-trying-to-trade-up-for-lions-pick-logan-stenberg/ So you are incorrect about the Duvernay but everyone says just believe you on Duggar?
  9. If that is the case, Beane would have put a stop to Kirby a long time ago. No GM will allow a rat to exist in the building. If a guy is handing out confidential information, he will not be allowed near anything related to the situation. That's just the truth in the matter. That is some detailed precise information that no one outside the front office should know about and it should not leave the building.
  10. That could be the case, but is Beane really posting on a message board as a dude named Kirby? I find that highly unlikely
  11. Anyone that talks with this much conviction you just can't believe. This regime is as tight lipped as I have ever seen, I just don't see some random guy knowing all this information.
  12. I was so relieved when NE took him. I just don't see the allure of him. I was expecting so much more dominance from a player playing with D2 athletes.
  13. Hopefully the NFL eases their pressure on Bills to build a new stadium with the new economic landscape out there. This pandemic sucks, but hopefully it puts things into perspective and humbles.
  14. Fromm is way better than Peterman. Peterman in the SEC wouldn't even start. Fromm processes information at a ridiculous rate. Peterman was literally throwing the ball into the CB or Safety hands. Fromm reminds me of Ryan Fitzpatrick. He knows where to put the ball, but sometimes you are scratching your head with the accuracy on the throw.
  15. This will be a long decline, with small upticks but a general downturn. The true cost of this pandemic is nowhere near calculated yet. Most Q1 reports are not even out yet, and Q2 will probably end up being worse. The average American has completely changed their habits. Companies will have way less money to work with. Not to mention, who knows what will happen with this election. I can't wait to see my future tax rates.
  16. I'm on like game 10 of all his throws on youtube from this year. Some thoughts: His WR dropped some really catchable passes. There were times when he was smarter than his WR and it resulted in an incomplete pass. I don't see a huge arm strength issue. The major problem I see is inaccuracy. Too many times he is missing badly (Not a problem from the WR or RB). Like way worse than I have seen from Allen over the last two years. He threw a lot of short stuff last year. If he threw passes like Allen does, his completion % would probably be below 50%. A lot of times his footwork is horrendous. I think he can have potential to be good, but with a lot work. His ball placement is pretty good, it's just not there enough. Will this team waste a roster spot on a 3rd string QB? He just is not better than Barkley this coming year.
  17. I don't agree one bit with its only harder the closer you are to the uprights. The angle at which you kick will matter at all distances. Just think of the Pythagorean Theorem. The longer the one side is, the longer the hypotenuse is. The amount of yards the ball has to actual travel in the air will be more in college, which allows for more to go wrong. Kicking in college is a pain.
  18. Was anyone else surprised that Hauschka will be 35 years old this year? Usually that isn't a huge deal for kicker, but he already had a really weak leg. Hoping Bass can show accuracy this offseason.
  19. If this match can happen, why can't all the other matches that were cancelled?
  20. It's going to continue to get earlier and earlier. It's just illogical to think that if it was in China in November that it stayed there. The world is all connected.
  21. That's already been decided. He wouldn't even go to a hospital if he got it. Like you said morbid, but he is very content with everything.
  22. I think some of these older people have accepted if it kills them, that's ok. I seen your other post and question why he was anywhere but his house completely isolated. My grandpa is in his 90s and he refuses to not go to the grocery stores. Tough to tell a guy in his 90s how to live.
  23. Millard FIllmore Suburban. They told her symptoms were consistent with COVID-19 so that is immediately what they assumed it was. They segregated her and said they will proceed once the results are back. No other tests where performed due to potential exposure. I asked my sister about this (she is a nurse at a local hospital) and she said that is pretty much the protocol now. COVID-19 assumed first, everything else 2nd (unless there is a physical injury you can see). They call it being cautious. They came back negative and that is when other heart related tests were performed.
  24. A friend of mine mother was experiencing some tightness in chest and got worried about having a heart attack. She went to a hospital and they wouldn't do any other tests on her until the COVID-19 test results came back. She sat in a hospital for a little over a day waiting on the results. She could have died in that time period from a heart condition that could have been saved with surgery if they would have ran EKGs, Ecocardio, stress tests, etc.
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