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Everything posted by Melon

  1. How a Custody Fight Plus QAnon Turned Deadly https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-online-conspiracies-turn-deadly-a-custody-battle-and-a-killing-11617376764 Christopher Hallett spent years helping Neely Petrie-Blanchard fight for custody of her daughters. Then on the evening of Nov. 15, she shot him in the head in his Ocala, Fla., home. While blood pooled beneath Mr. Hallett’s dying body, Ms. Petrie-Blanchard declared her motive. She was convinced Mr. Hallett had joined a cabal of government Satanists to steal her children. Mr. Hallett was a self-appointed expert in child-custody law, with no formal legal training, whose theories about corruption in the legal system attracted thousands of followers on YouTube and Facebook. He used what he called calculus equations to prove his legal arguments and said he was helping to advise President Donald Trump on a new Justice Department, according to his followers. Some of Mr. Hallett’s followers said in comments and on regular video calls that pedophiles in the Pentagon steal children. Some subscribed to QAnon, which claims a high-ranking whistleblower is exposing the activity. Some said the Earth is flat. Ms. Petrie-Blanchard, who is now 34 years old, posted photos online in a QAnon shirt and claimed her own custody troubles were connected to dark government machinations. At one point, said a person close to her, she said Mr. Hallett might be Q—the shadowy figure whose online postings form the basis for the QAnon ideology. For years, Ms. Petrie-Blanchard said, Mr. Hallett had been telling her that “any day now” a U.S. marshal would bring her back her oldest daughter, who is in the custody of her former boyfriend’s mother, even though there were no legal proceedings that could result in such an outcome. ____________________ Mother unraveled in depression, QAnon-style conspiracies in months before she killed 3 kids https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-04-17/mother-unraveled-in-depression-qanon-style-conspiracies-in-months-before-she-killed-3-kids Liliana Carrillo’s unraveling over the last year alarmed people in her life. On Facebook, she spoke of “random invasive feelings of despair and pain.” She said she was “hating being a parent” to her brood of young children and wished she could go back in time. “I have absolutely no patience or tolerance left,” she added. More recently, she began to echo the delusion of QAnon believers. She was consumed by the idea that Porterville, Calif., was the site of a child sex-trafficking ring, according to court records, and contended that the blame for the pandemic rested on her shoulders. It was clear she was struggling with postpartum depression, with anger, with childhood trauma and with the frustrations of young motherhood, her boyfriend, the father of her children, recounted in court records. Last month, the situation got gravely worse. She started making wild allegations of child abuse, according to court records. Social workers and police in two counties got involved. The children’s father, Erik Denton, convinced a judge to award him physical custody of their three children, saying Carrillo was experiencing a psychotic episode and he feared for the kids’ well-being. But Joanna, 3; Terry, 2; and Sierra, 6 months, remained with Carrillo. Last weekend, a day before Denton said Carrillo was to turn the children over to him, her mother discovered the three grandchildren dead in the Reseda apartment they shared. In an extraordinary television interview from a Bakersfield jail on Thursday, Carrillo confessed to killing the kids, saying she was trying to protect them from sex trafficking. “I drowned them,” she said, claiming she did so “softly.” She added, “I hugged them and I kissed them and I was apologizing the whole time.”
  2. These phrases next to each other should be nominated for a Darwin Award.
  3. What is greater? Per capita victims of gun violence or per capita victims of the store they work at being vandalized?
  4. You must be quite the catch
  5. whoa so he's infiltrating woke Hollywood elites? niceeee
  6. That would be an apt comparison if the owners of said retailers broke into their own stores and stole things.
  7. That is also true. Still curious about the data and group @Boatdrinks is referring to.
  8. Here's the data I found. https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/rhovo1215.pdf 57% of crimes involving white victims were committed by white perpetrators. 15% were committed by blacks, and 11% by Hispanics. 63% of the crimes involving black victims were committed by black perpetrators. 11% percent were committed by whites, and 6.6% by Hispanics.
  9. Care to show your data or say what group you're referring to?
  10. So is every single demographic. It doesn't mean police brutality is not a problem.
  11. Tucker definitely wouldn't hang up on you
  12. Perspective is a real thing - and renders your example dumb. If I'm a surfer my chances of getting bit by a shark are a bit different than if I'm sitting on my ass in Buffalo. Surfers worry a ton about sharks attacking them. Dudes sitting at Cole's on a Friday night don't. Blacks worry a ton about being shot by cops. You don't. They care so much about Chicago - I wonder what community advocacy groups in Chicago they support?
  13. The fact that there was no looting after the verdict (even though multiple right wing talking heads promised it would happen regardless of the outcome) and the complain de jour is now that the jurors were forced into their verdict by a "mob" shows that no matter the outcome certain folks, like the one this thread is about, are all in on their manufactured outrage. These days if millions protest, and another one breaks a Starbucks window, then 1,000,001 people are all of a sudden rioters.
  14. Can you name one person in politics who believes all facets of life should be owned by the government? This boogeyman does not exist.
  15. @wnyguy can you explain the difference between a democrat and a socialist?
  16. The context makes it racist. The fact you cannot see that context, that you cannot see the systemic racism that brought this bill to the floor in the first place, is unfortunate. It's been explained to you ad nauseum. All the people screaming from the mountain tops that witnessed the bill being signed to the detriment of the Georgian impovered are not witnesses?
  17. A bunch of old white dudes signing the bill in private in front of a painting of a slave plantation while at the same time a black lawmaker is arrested for knocking on the door to witness the signing. Nobody said the n word, though, so I guess there isn't the magic smoking gun you need, Jim.
  18. At least you admit it. Enjoy the freedom fries and don't uncheck the box.
  19. The courts gave specific reasons as to the suits that were thrown out. Instead of giving those reasons, you go back you the big lie. You're part of a cult.
  20. John Kennedy doing his best Chef Jim impression - question after question without a moment of reflection.
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