Buck Nasty
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Everything posted by Buck Nasty
Should Trump Be Wearing A Mask?
Buck Nasty replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You were breathless in your condemnation of " a picture of a man's wife!", sand was pouring out of your 'gina, your panties were in a bunch, you had a death grip on your pearls. The juxtaposition of that with your refusal to condemn President Plumps insane easily debunked Scarborough tweets was startling. Add that to your hilarious terms of service quote is comedy gold. The cavernous stupidity you exemplify on a daily basis is stupefying. You and Buffalo "super spreader" Gal are smegma guzzling cretins, bereft of any character. My condolences to your hubby Gal being stuck in a room with your prodigious backside emitting odoriferous chicken wing flatulence. As I said, you are a pathetic mediocre clown. Walgreens has "Red Nose Day" where you can buy a red nose to help end child poverty. Please buy one and wear it each time you post. No matter if you actually do it, that is how I will envision you each time you post, banging out your insane ramblings of a child living in an alternate reality. Pizzagate was real!, LIBERATE EDGAR MADDISON WELCH!. Cesar sayoc needs to be liberated! On to more salient news, the Trump death clock now stands at 60,375, good job Orangey. The decision to make masks a partisan issue was another brilliant move by Parscale and company. Trump is now on a island with his vacuous stance on wearing a mask, when Hannity turns on you it has to hurt. As Biden said, the man is a fool. The latest Rasmussen poll has body bags at 42%, I guess the "death star activation" has been delayed. I'm sure the Scarborough tweets have resonated with the public as deaths pass the 100k mark and unemployment skyrockets. Way to be laser focused on the issues President Plump. -
Aaaaaaaaaand your full of mierdero. Then again you have Tasker in your name so you must be a "special teamer" also, not that there's anything wrong with that, good luck in the Olympics. A West Virginia mail carrier has been charged with “attempting to defraud the residents of West Virginia of a fair election” after allegedly altering several absentee ballot requests, according to the state attorney general’s office. Thomas Cooper, 47, is accused of tampering with eight ballot requests, swapping party affiliation on five of them from Democrat to Republican, the West Virginia AG’s office said in a statement. Another Herr Trump operative caught in the act, deplorables need a remedial course in cheating. The key word being "attempted", the safeguards in place prevented Cletus from a "mission accomplished" moment. Of course every tweet from President Plump is a projection. You do realize that Trump created PEIC, right? Mother Pence was the chair and we all know what a fine leader he is. In part this is what was found...... In an analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law looked at 42 jurisdictions, focusing on ones with large population of noncitizens. Of 23.5 million votes surveyed, election officials referred an estimated 30 incidents of suspected noncitizen voting for further investigation, or about 0.0001% of votes cast. Douglas Keith, the counsel in the Brennan Center's Democracy Program and co-author of the analysis, said, "President Trump has said repeatedly that millions of people voted illegally in 2016, but our interviews with local election administrators made clear that rampant noncitizen voting simply did not occur. Any claims to the contrary make their job harder and distract from progress toward needed improvements like automatic voter registration. These pesky facts keep getting in the way of your brilliant missives Tasker. You are now on double secret probation from the cabal of stupidity, do better.
Should Trump Be Wearing A Mask?
Buck Nasty replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The hypocrisy drips from every orifice of your body, along with copious amounts of bodily fluids. DR clutching his pearls over an innocuous photo on a message board. He spouts off about terms of service and wants someone banned. You are the quintessential buffoon, a completely vile imbecile. The fact that Trump spews despicable lies about the death of Lori Klausutis and puts her remaining family through immeasurable pain doesn't bother DR in the least, but a picture on a message board- BAN. You're a malignant clown and a mediocre one at that. -
Dear President Plump the First Amendment stops the government—that’s you—from interfering with free speech. That means you can’t stop Twitter from fact checking your false tweets. And the fact that we’re reading your excrement on Twitter shows it is not stifling your speech. This cretin is like a yapping chihuahua. Are you going to bark all day little doggy, or are you going to bite? Trump: I have total authority! Governors: Read the constitution much? Trump: All churches will open immediately! Churches: LMAO At least Trump is finally is a job creator, the brigade necessary to police his tweets will be bigly. They only consist of spurious claims, embarrassing conspiracy theories and ramblings of a syphilitic dementia addled mind.
Trump: President Obama has a major meeting on the NYC Ebola outbreak, with people flying in from all over the country, but decided to play golf! Worse than Carter. Narrator: Donald corpulent Trump shambled onto the golf course and played golf as our death total approached 100k. Larry Ellison set up a nice bonus for other participants, as 2 groups of people were on the 18th green. Fine individuals were in both groups (wink wink). You need to be a wizard to decide what group to run over, for your convenience the dead bodies will be dumped into the #trumpburialpits. All for the low price of a 100k campaign contribution. Trump: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of the primaries and the general election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue secretary of state. I will withhold funding to Michigan if they want to go down this voter fraud path. Narrator: Wrong dumbass, applications were sent out not ballots you imbecile. GOP states Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia have done the same thing. Could you possibly be any more feckless? The only voter fraud has been your Republican operative currently rectally bleeding in prison. Trump: I remember when Michigan honored me by naming me " Man of the year", it was quite an honor. Narrator: Total bullshiat you POS. Michigan named you the most likely to crap your Depends while golfing. Deranged Rhino, whose Yelp glory hole rating has gone from Hoover to Dyson, and we all know Dyson is the gold standard of sucking, so he has that going for him, which is nice, had a rare rebuke for the moronic orange clod. Trump said " A blow to the head? Body found under his desk? Left Congress suddenly? Big topic of discussion in Florida...and he's a nut job (with bad ratings). Keep digging, use forensic geniuses" Rhino commented that this was going too low and Rhino rarely gets a lugubrious look on his face when "going low".
The Big Gamble: Hydroxychloroquine
Buck Nasty replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
He's done it.He's achieved perfect alethiological collapse.He's spouted so much drivel and bullshiat, and so many lies and fabrications, that there are no proper metrics to measure the truth content of this utterance.He's succeeded in his long-term project of total epistemic annihilation.We are trapped between the poles of "how could something so stupid be a lie?" and "why is he lying about something so stupid?", and will hang here, in an instant of suspension in eternal flux, our mortal psyches being slowly drawn into the pulsating, pustulant mass of madness and rot that is the fleshy cadaverous cavern of his mouth, continuously scorched in the fetid gaseous gibberish that are his words. "I asked if I could take hydroclo- hydoxycloromo- clorhoxy...highrocloxoqueen and the White House doctor said yes and so I take the every day and they taste good and they even look like Fred Flintstone, isn't that just great? You know, Obama's drugs were terrible. Complete disaster. Every one as big as a quarter and they tasted like hat. These, it's amazing, you don't even need to swallow them with water, you can chew them. Taste like what people tell me fruit tastes like. Tremendous drug. I feel great. People come to me all the time and say, "Sir, you look amazing, so young and fit," and they ask if it's the pills. It's true! High school dropout and noted incel Deranged Rhino sputtered " Yes, hydroxychloroquine causes paranoia, hallucinations and psychosis but Herr Trump already exemplifies all of these conditions." Buffalo " insipid cliff notes dork" Gal, whose refusal to wear a mask will make her a super spreader, coincidentally her nickname in high school, supports Dr. Trump in all his endeavors. Golly folks this is Covid-19, Dr. Trump has vanquished 1 through 18 so Covid-19 will not be a problem." -
The Big Gamble: Hydroxychloroquine
Buck Nasty replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Citizens, goose step up immediately to guzzle some hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Trump has personally verified its efficacy. He gave some to Eric and it only mildly exacerbated his mental ######ation. Still having doubts you simpering non-believer? Just because Herr Trump has had some catastrophic business failures such as his "University", airlines, steak, vodka, mortgage company, luxury travel service, and clothing line? I mean his vaunted airline, who knew that gold colored bathroom fixtures wouldn't be all the rage? No one could've seen it coming* No one could've seen it coming patented by Trump LLC. Dr. Trump and his Klansman Father have been wearing hoods long before the pandemic. You see he knew it was a pandemic long before any person on earth. He and like minded individuals would don robes and hoods to protect themselves from the Chinese virus. Dr. Trump was saving lives then as will Hydroxychloroquine now. Yes, Dr. Trump is a misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe, sociopath, adulterer, tax cheat, abuser of power and suffers from incontinence. These are just facts citizens, don't be fooled by the facts. You may have heard that Dr. Trump has grabbed 30 or so kitties, little do you know that he is also a licensed gynecologist and was merely checking for yeast infections. GED recipient and noted Hollywood liberal Deranged Rhino, whose stentorian voice makes twinks swoon, exclaims "I used to tilt at windmills but Dr. Trump said windmills caused cancer, so I stopped. Thanks Dr. Trump! Rhino, who suffers form a grotesque case of Bromhidrosis and halitosis, which leaves him socially awkward and isolated and prone to conspiracy theories. Rhino went on to comment " I take my HC with my MMS or my urine, which is sterile and tastes good. Mike Lindell, rated F by the BBB and Stormy Daniels, swears by the product. " I had just done a line of coke off Tomi Lahrens buttocks after a spirited game of used heroin needle Jarts. We were feeling off but took some HC and felt great! It's not as good as crack but what is? So as Dr. Trump has said, take it what do you have to lose? In the unlikely event that you perish, Dr. Trump is offering free engraving on your headstone. Choose from all time favorites such as "but her emails", " Benghazi!", or "Soros did this". Or come up with your own equally inane phrase.