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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I'm sorry you've wasted so much time on this site and this team. With that, hope to join you soon
  2. So, this season is over and I think the question positives and negatives are pretty apparent. Now, the Pegulas have the job of selling this product to the fans next year for tickets. With that, what needs to be done? What would you have to see to keep or start buying tickets? And don't give me that, I'm a real fan and will buy tickets no matter what crap. I get it, no matter what, most will still show up. If we haven't stopped showing up by yet, why would we now? For me, this is what I need to see Re-sign Hughes and Extend Dareus (You need to bring this defense back intact) Fire Hackett (If Marrone won't, then he can go too) Bring in a QB (Orton can't be declared the guy) Focus draft/FA on offensive line) To me, if they don't do these things, then there is no reason to believe that next year will be any different. The offense wasn't just bad, it was bad and getting worse. There is no reason to believe that things would be any different with the same cast running the show. Maybe even getting rid of Hackett would be enough. It's tough to know how much his system is holding the team back, even though I think Orton's accuracy is an issue. End of the day, you need to show progress in the right direction. The Defense and Special Teams are fine. The offensive players besides QB and some O-Lineman are more than good enough. What realistically do you need to see?
  3. That's a tough one for me because they did show up and play well. But we also played so terrible and our offense was just putrid. I can't even say that I know what that game was.
  4. The frustrating thing about this game, and many other games is, we aren't getting beaten. We aren't getting outplayed where the other team is just punching us in the mouth. We are killing ourselves with penalties, stupid turnovers, and just lack of offensive execution. Granted, penalties and turnovers happen. But our penalties are phantom way more than they should be or just bonehead moves by a player. Our turnovers are rarely great plays by the defenders. When I look at our schedule so far, I think about having a disciplined team and.... San Diego Actually got beaten Houston Beat ourselves in every possible way - JJ Watt INT TD New England Actually got beaten Kansas City Beat the crap out of ourselves with turnovers and penalties Miami Didn't even show up for this game Denver Beat ourselves with terrible offensive execution through 3 quarters and dumb penalties All in all, I blame the offense and penalties (real or not) for 4 of our 6 losses. And I don't feel like it's a stretch to say this. I can handle losing and saying we got beat by a better team. We saw it with the Chargers and Patriots. But other than that, just a complete waste of the talent and defense we have
  5. And here goes another score we are to give up in the finap minutes of a half. How many times have we had the ball in the final 4 minutes and the other team still find a way to score? !@#$ing joke
  6. Then the clouds parted and God came down and said "Alfalfa, I hate you
  7. I finally feel comfortable saying that every NFL season is broken down into two halves. The first is the hype and the second is the adjustments. The Hype half is where people are all warm and fuzzy from the offseason. No one is eliminated yet. Players have a special kind of confidence which, let's face it, has a real impact on performance. There isn't any self-doubt or reality of who you are or aren't. That's why the Bills usually start somewhat strong. Then the second half of adjustments comes in. This is where NFL teams figure out what's been working for you and coaching comes into play more. Teams are prepared for you and you need a coach and players smart enough to adapt and adjust. This is why good teams turn it around and frauds expose themselves. The sad thing is, this is probably the most talented team we've had since the Bledsoe years and the playoff runs. Yet here we are, going into the second half being exposed for who we are, offensive jokes and a weak-minded team. Good news is. I'm numb to it. After the 5-2 start with Trent Edwards, I vowed to never let myself get excited again until we made it through November. Sad right? My goal is to only do well through 75% of the season. They almost got me in the KC game. I was almost really pissed off after that loss. But all is good. I'm right back to good ole numb.
  8. I'm glad these guys are going after contracts and records or else I'd be afraid to see how they show up for the rest of the year. To see that we lead the league in starting possession inside the opposing teams territory and we are still so terrible in points scored.... I mean, would you blame anyone on the D for giving up. They could give us the ball, 1st and goal on the 1 and we wouldn't know what to do with it. I think you are going to see that show up more and more. To waste a top 6 D with a bottom 3 O is just the biggest travesty in all of this
  9. Everyone who still had hope after the KC game. So many people who couldn't see the warning signs. I mean, now that it's all over, is anyone really surprised? Finding a way to lose, penalties, turnovers. If that wasn't a sign of the good 'ole Bills, I don't know what is. The best part is, now we can all hold hands again and go back to be numb. Expectations are over for this year. We have nothing to look forward to next year without our #1 pick, the likelihood of the coaching staff being kept for stability, and spending all our money keeping the defensive players we already have just so we can keep on the path we are on. Drinks are on me!
  10. He wasn't the savior. He was our best chance to win. He still is. He's not great, and hasn't been good lately. But he's still better than EJ. You have to go with your best chance to win while you are in it. Now, after these past few weeks and now that we are out of it. I don't know that I don't know if EJ doesn't get another chance so we know for a fact that we have to find a QB somehow, some way in the offseason
  11. We've been good before, lost this game, and then fell apart. Good without the playoffs doesn't mean jack. We will not make the playoffs due to all the tie-breaker games we are giving away. And with the way the Browns win games like we just lost, We are lucky if we don't end up 8-8. Sorry, no more moral victories. Not with this defense
  12. Leodis made a mistake. He was one of many of them. I'm not calling for anyone's head here. Well, maybe the Offensive Coordinators for not getting it done when he had the chance at the end. But I also feel like no one is going anywhere this year or next. They want stability and have said that
  13. I'm definitely not blaming any single player. Obstacles and mistakes happen all the time and all teams have to overcome them. There were so many factors in the game today and the end result is the end of another season and overall feeling that we are not a team with a winning culture. We just aren't there and I see nothing to make me optimistic that it's going to chance. I see the coaches getting retained. I see Orton doing well enough, but still no faith in our ability to get a successor. I just see a team that doesn't know they can get it done and can't focus enough to play like a professional when it counts. This loss makes the Lions and Vikings wins seem more like luck than anything else
  14. You could also say that we shouldn't have beaten Detroit between their missed FG's and Watkins acrobatic catch and the Vikings with that lucky catch by Hogan. With that, we could easily be 3-7
  15. Is Orton the answer to the Bills question about a Franchise QB? No Is Orton the answer to if he should start over EJ? Yes
  16. Players are going to make mistakes. Yes, we could have been up big, but we still had a chance to win. If you have the ball on the 15 with 4 minutes left to go and down by 4. You have to score there. Regardless of what happened before in the game. The playcalling there and execution was terrible. No attempt at a first down. Almost all prayer throws. Just a joke of playcalls.
  17. It's been a long time since I've been this pissed off after a game. Usually, I'm just numb. But holy ****. I mean, HOLY !@#$ING ****! I don't know that I ever really thought we were going to make the playoffs, but I at least had hope. I knew we had to do well this month with the last 3 of 4 games we have to play. And coming off a bye week...... I'm just gonna say it. These guys are millionaires. Yes, they get paid million of dollars to play this game. So, when I see the fumble out the back of the endzone. The numerous dropped passes in the first half. The fumble on the punt return. I'm sorry, but it's just unacceptable. Then you have the refs. The !@#$ing refs. Are you kidding me with some of these calls. I'm sorry, but to say that refs are people who get caught up in the momentum of a game is bs. I don't know if it's an equalizer effect or what, but there is a "benefit of the doubt" that was against the Bills today. That Offensive PI call was a !@#$ing joke. And the playcalling at the end. Are you !@#$ing kidding me? No attempt to get closer to a first down. All 4 passes into the endzone? 2 of them jumpballs? What the !@#$ was that? We had time. Maybe a draw up the middle. I was actually happy with the playcalling up until the end. The offense just couldn't execute. But that last drive near the endzone was a !@#$ing joke. And no, Orton doesn't get a pass. Yes, your players dropped balls in the first half and the team kept putting you in a poor situation to win. However, you missed two TD with the miss to Chandler and the terrible throw to Woods. And at the end of the game, those throws to the endzone were terrible. So no, just because they dropped balls doesn't give you the right to !@#$ing suck at the end. This game is the summation of what it means to be a Bills fan. Coming off a Bye week, against this team, with this defense, should have been a win. Offensively, our head wasn't in the game enough to keep making stupid mistakes. I blame the coaches for that. We are out of the playoffs. It's a done deal. I'll place any wager you want to on it. We are 5-4. We will lose to the Pats, Packers, and Broncos. That's 7 losses right there. If you think we are going to run the table on everyone else, especially after today? I'm sorry, but you are delusional. We are going to be lucky to finish 8-8 and right now I'm thinking 7-9. We will beat the Raiders. But the Browns, Dolphins, and Jets...I can easily see us losing one of those. Just on coaching and mental ineptitude. So thank you Bills. Thank you for ending the season a week into November again. We are going to finish in the Dick Jauron era again and this time with a better team. Blame who you want. I'm going to go with culture from coaching.
  18. That's a TD pass that no QB has made since Kelly. That was perfect. Speed, accuracy, anticipated
  19. I'm sorry, but no. We may need a better O-Line, but many do more with less. The issue with him is his total lack of creativity and playcalling. We run on first and second down and it's always right up the middle. We don't pull and guards. We don't run any counters. We are just very, very predictable. Now granted, how much we run has set up our big play downfield. But that's about it
  20. There is no way we are going to be able to keep all of these guys together. Hughes is going to command big money as is Dareus. We can't afford to pay our 4 D-Lineman that much and field the rest of the team. The only thing we have going for us is that we don't need to pay our linebackers crap as they are all in their rookie deals.
  21. Did you hear about those teams that make the playoffs?
  22. I have no problem with the amount we are running the ball. But I do have a problem with how obvious we are with it. I can't remember the last counter, screen, or sweep we ran. I get it, NFL defenders are fast, but c'mon. Screens offset the blitz and pressure Counters prevent over-pursuing Sweeps mix up the run defensive looks The Pats made us look stupid with all the misdirection. We are very transparent with our playcalling. Fortunately, we have some real playmakers getting it done for us. We won by 20!
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