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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I'm sorry, but if this is true then it's a terrible hire. You can talk about situation all you want, but the proof is on the field. He isn't being retained for a reason and they have a equal, if not better offensive unit than us. You can't say that their WR's are better nor RB's. Their offensive line is better. Yes, they played against good defenses, but we will too. We were an offensive unit away last year from the playoffs. There is nothing about this hire to inspire a change. Same for Rex. We brought in a defensive minded guy who runs a different kind of defense than we do. So basically, we are going to possibly change our strength and bring in a different version of the same guy we've been trying to fire all season. Not feeling it
  2. Mike Shanahan - OT - Free Agent A source informed John Middlekauff of 957 The Game Bay Area that Mike Shanahan could be hired as the Bills' general manager with Browns OC Kyle Shanahan as head coach. We're sorry, Bills fans. This would be brutal. Bills in-name GM Doug Whaley was reported to be leading the search for a new head coach, but it's now been revealed new owner Terry Pegula is conducting interviews. The Bills have requested interviews with as many as 13 head-coaching candidates. The Shanahan duo wouldn't be awful in a head coach-offensive coordinator tandem, but allowing them to make all personnel decisions would be taking a huge leap of faith. Related: Bills Source: John Middlekauff on Twitter I don't know who John Middlekauff is or if there is any possible truth to this, but I sure as hell hope not. Just seems like a terrible system
  3. No, didn't see it. My fault. Please merge He also hated the guys who parachuted into the stadium before the game. He didn't like people being above him
  4. Buffalo Wings The Colors Blue and Red Niagra Falls Puppies Parfait
  5. I've wondered the same thing all season. He's been amazing
  6. That's going to follow me for a bit, isn't it?
  7. Every time I read something he reports, I get this cringe. I feel like he enjoys reporting negative things. He just seems disgruntled. I don't know what it is, but I wish he would find another team
  8. As I think about Marrone moving on, I can't help but wonder, is it the result or the action that's bothering us? After the Raiders game, we all figured we would end 8-8. Many thought Doug would quit if he wouldn't fire Hackett. Now, we win that game, finish 9-7, and now we lost the great coach. The same coach that lost to the Texans and Chiefs, basically keeping us out of the playoffs. Granted, still the same coach that beat the Lions, Pats, and Packers. I'm just trying to keep perspective. This was a coach that I wasn't completely sold on and I think used the high of a final win, against the rival Pats where we've never won before, and walked out on a cloud. I still see a few other ways where the end result was the same an no one cares. End of the day, the only thing I'm really sad about is the lack of stability. If we fired Hackett and brought in a solid OC, I would have been happy. Now, there is a sign of rebuilding. And I'm hoping that the info about Whaley and Brandon not knowing about the Polian thing isn't true. Because then we have two guys running the show that know they aren't wanted.
  9. Please no. The Offensive Coordinator for any team with Peyton Manning is the easiest job after 3rd string qb
  10. If true, then Doug leaving is even more of a dick move. Because he left with the conditions remaining the same
  11. If Schwartz can bring in a trestman, I'm completely okay with this. The atmosphere he created on the D was amazing and the players loved him. I think that's a good start. I don't like how things ended in Detroit and that did make me nervous, but I'm not against it. Overall, I don't think it would be worse. But I also don't know if he has the ability to identify a good qb
  12. If it's true that Whaley is staying, then Doug leaving is even more of a dick move. I could understand if he wasn't sure who the gm was going to be and therefore not know if he was going to have a job. But if he's staying and it was all about wanting an extension or more power after only two seasons, then he really can go !@#$ himself
  13. Does it hurt us in finding a head coach and other personnel? Other teams are going to grab their guys in the next few weeks, except those waiting on coordinators from playoff teams. But for us, if we are waiting a full month, I think the talent pool will be pretty cherry picked. I'm all about Trestman as OC, but can't imagine him still being available in a month. Plus, to think of all our staff and gm team as sitting ducks just seems a bit messed up.
  14. I would love to gloat or say something about being awesome, but it was literally a feeling. Things were just too quiet and overall too positive going into the offseason. Just based off the way that things were going with other teams so quickly. I was literally sitting at work, checking the forums, and just felt off. Like something was about to break all this silence. The last time I felt that way, I lost my job a few hours later out of nowhere ;-(. I kind of thought it would be this, but also thought it could just be the firing of Hackett. Honestly, I wish I was wrong. I liked Doug. I wanted Hackett gone. All I can assume is that A) the front office disagreements at the beginning of the year were true. B) They wanted Hackett fired and he refused. or what I really think C) He used this as the opportunity to play the field, use interest as leverage to get more control of player personnel and got shut down. I also think they told him that Polian may be coming in and he didn't want another hand in the pot. End of the day, lucky guess that could have easily been wrong. To those who made fun of the post, you can kind of suck it just for being rude. What's a forum if not for the opportunity to talk about the topics at hand. Also, I'm a little pissed at Doug because of his "You're stuck with me" comments. And you can tell by the players Tweets that they were blindsided, which I have no respect for. The whole, I'm from the area and this is my dream job BS. You find a way to make your dream job work. Plus the endorsements he was getting by the organization. Just a big FU. If he goes to the Jets, we will have two rivals in our division immediately. Aaron Williams said it best: https://twitter.com/...431094948913152
  15. Just call it a weird feeling, but I think something's about to happen that's going to shake things up.
  16. With every second that passes, I get more nervous that we are keeping him. If we miss out on someone like trestman or someone else because we are dragging our feet, I'm going to be pissed. I get that he didn't have an elite qb, but neither did gailey and he made something work. There's just no excuse for this performance and how his unit failed this team.
  17. I know that a few members antagonized him a bit after some of his reviews and he said he was going to stop. Then he started right back up a few weeks later. I'm wondering if it happened again
  18. I hate that strength of schedule is the determining factor. It should be the second criteria after head to head. We should be picking ahead of the Chargers and KC since we beat them. With the draft order logic, we need more help than them
  19. Goes both ways. Maybe they are so good because they get to play us twice a year? Our record against them for the past 15 years is a joke and inexcusable. Even when you suck, you should still give division rivals a run for it and we don't. Sorry, just doesn't add up to me
  20. I know, they didn't make the playoffs and I'm as bitter as anyone else. It's beyond frustrating to see us waste such a great defensive performance and see our offense under-achieve with this coaching staff. However.... For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say that we are a playoff caliber team. It's not that we are going to finish close to a playoff record. It's that, we all know that the Texans and Chiefs games were ones that we absolutely should have won. In fact, if we played them again 10 more times, I believe we absolutely would have. We lost, I get it. We aren't in the playoffs, I get it. But this team, absolutely could have made it in this year regardless of all the crap we saw and it wouldn't be a stretch. It's not like previous years of, well if we could have just had 2 more wins or something like that. We not only could have had two more wins, we absolutely should have those two wins. Maybe this is coming off stupid, but it makes sense in my mind right now. And it's something I haven't been able to think or feel in a long time. With that, fire Hackett. If Marrone won't, then fire him too. Trade for a QB or sell the farm for a rookie in the first round. And resign this defense with whatever it takes. We are there. We really are.
  21. Again, like I said in the original post, I know people will come back
  22. Didn't say he would start. Just saying he will be on the team and they can't get a 1st rounder
  23. Manuel isn't going anywhere and we don't have a first round pick. Sorry boss
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