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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I've been refreshing rotoworld all day. I take a half hour nap and wake up to 3 trades with pro-bowlers?
  2. I feel bad for the guy if it's injury related. He was amazing. I hope he's at peace with it
  3. Just comments scattered throughout other threads. Just found it odd
  4. Is Robert woods hurt or something? I don't see WR as a need at all
  5. 9 mil a year. I'll absolutely take that. And yes, I think he could have gotten more
  6. If this is true, I dont care about his relationships with anyone on our team or personal life (unless he kills dogs or is about to get suspended). If we are serious about going all in, then we need to get this done. Period. He is a winning qb and the best option available to us in the past two years and possibly the next few as well. Get it the !@#$ done!
  7. I'm sorry, I thought it was pretty much a lock that he is about to be cut. That's what I'm reading everywhere anyways. Hence the point of, once we get all of our signings done, because it will be a little bit before it happens
  8. Once we have Hughes locked up and whatever lineman and TE plan to get, I would have no problems throwing everything we have left at front-loaded contract to Cutler. Unless Bradford/Kaep is available somehow via trade, Cutler is the best QB option out there. I know he's not a top 10, but he's a top 15 and the best option probably this year or next. He's definitely better than anyone on our roster. And make the deal one that, if we cut him next year or the year after, it doesn't really hurt us. But I'd make it enough up front to make him choose to come here. I'm not a Cutler fan, but again, I want to make a run with the best option we can.
  9. Until I see signs of Freddie showing down, I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt as a contributor, regardless of his age. I think he's a perfect compliment to McCoy with how they run the ball. Plus, what everyone else said about him being a captain
  10. Is there any way to make the guaranteed money come off the books in different increments, or does it have to be averaged out? Basically, could I pay the bonus all in the first year and nothing the remaining years?
  11. That wouldn't be any different than dead money. The money goes to debt created by player contracts. I don't see where the issue would be That's what I'm asking. Why not do a direct money transfer and then you have it for your cap space. I think there would be a provision that they money has to be spent. You can't just pocket the money as an owner
  12. In baseball, you can trade players for cash. Why not be able to do that in the NFL? Let's say the cowboys like their team, but are 10 million over the cap. There would be a set value of each pick and they could trade it for cap relief. The team trading the cap cash loses that money from their cap. I feel like this would actually help some teams and allow other teams ways to make some trades. For example, the Eagles are now 31 million under the cap, they could use that money to give someone in the top 10 cap relief to move up. I'm sure there is a logical reason as to why this can't happen, but I'm curious.
  13. Are we forgiving him for JP Losman already? He's a dirty ass player and I would be pissed if he was on our team. Vick, then him
  14. I do honestly. I get that we will run more, but I see us taking less shots down field. We made a point to try to get the ball to Sammy and run some 3-4 WR sets. I think we are going to see the 49ers offense without the Option and that isn't saying a lot. Plus, they had a better offensive line and TE's. I'm not trying to negative or anything like that, I'm just looking at our OC's history, the talent he had vs what we have, and what wins in the NFL right now
  15. I'm all for a physical type and just smacking someone in their mouth. However, I don't feel like this is a winning formula right now in the NFL. What teams are really going into the playoffs and winning that way? We are building ourselves to be a 1st/2nd down run, 3rd down pass team that relies on field position and defense. In this NFL, you have to be able to put up points and I just don't think we are going to be taking those kinds of chances. I don't see us putting away any teams and I don't know that we have the experience and leadership that you need to keep winning those close games. Last year, we already had a top 5 defense and even if that stays the same, I feel like we are going to score less points than last year. Yes, we will be better with time of possession and whatnot, but I just don't see the big play scoring with what we have or what we can get. Even teams like the Seahawks and 49ers do it with more of a read-option and other trickery. We aren't built like that and don't know that EJ's body could handle it. I hope to be wrong
  16. I know he was a Pat, but I want him. Not only for his ability, but for his knowledge of the Pats. This guy ran their defense. He played against the Pats in practice. He's a great player and we have money. Him and Aaron Williams will solidify an amazing defense. I think it actually could me a lot of sense and we have the money. Imagine signing him, two guards, AP or DeMarco Murray (Or drafting one high), and re-signing Hughes. We aren't going to find a rock star QB, but I'm still in on trying to trade for Bradford. Our team would be there and it's really not that insane to think about
  17. Every year, I feel like it's the same debates being had about the QB's that come out. Can they change their footwork (3 or 5 step drop), their release point or throwing motion, their arm strength, the system they played in...... My question is, has any quarterback ever gone into a draft with these questions, actually made these changes and then been successful in the NFL? More often than not, QB's don't pan out and they usually end up being who we thought they were. To me, besides arm strength and the learning of the game over time, either the QB gets it or they don't and either it translates or it doesn't. Has there ever been a guy who made those changes and then took off? Also, I think about Russell Wilson and how people say that all he did was win in college. Do they ever track stats that way for a Qb? Not just wins and losses, but what a qb's rating would be if his receivers didn't drop the pass or run the right route. Or, with wins and losses, the other team never had to punt so the QB lost through no fault of his own. These may seem like stupid questions, but I just feel like it's the same thing every year and nothing ever changes. Either the QB has it or they don't and no amount of changes to their mechanics is ever going to stick. It would be like trying to change they way you walk. You can think about it all you want, but eventually habits will just take over.
  18. I don't like this bully stuff. Neither Ryan nor the Bills have proven anything. The last thing we need is to give other teams a reason to want to shut us up. We need to walk before we run. These theatrics took the Jets somewhere the first two years, but then they almost became a joke because of his behavior. Good for spotlight, bad for a team trying to establish itself
  19. I was waiting for that. I still haven't updated it yet. Not sure what my feeling on that is. I'm thinking: "Rex must really know how to work a room"
  20. It's not about an offensive minded coach. It's about performance. Rex Ryan's performance recently has been terrible. He had two good years and that was about it. Unless you can tell me that he had no say whatsoever in player selection, he owns the production too. As for the OC, you have to take the bad with the good. Looking at Kaep's first two years seems unfair without looking at his past year as well. As bad as Kaep was, does anyone think that EJ is any better? We are giving him equal quality receivers, a worse QB, and a worse offensive line. With that, why would we expect a different result than what they did last year in San Fran? So yeah, I just don't see a reason to be optimistic. Yes, I would have been happier promoting Schwartz and bringing in Trestman.
  21. Anyone think that the new ownership and the addition of Rex puts us in the running to be the featured team this year? I don't think HBO would want us because of our market, but I just feel like there's a good shot this will happen
  22. I have no problems admitting to being wrong about the Jets run D. I kind of assumed based off of previous years and thought I remembered them not being good as mentioned during commentators in our games with them. And I'm agreeing with ESPN about what they said about this specifically, not everything they say. As for everything else, I feel like we are picking a choosing what to like and ignoring the big picture from all these guys. I don't want to feel this way. I don't want the team to be worse. I just can't help it when I look at what we accomplished this year and what these coaches have done the past 3 years
  23. I see all of this excitement and optimism but I just can't join in. And for the most part, I agree with most of the ESPN commentators when they talk about this change. I think we made a poor decision based upon our situation and are essentially throwing away any progress we made last year. When I think about how the season ended and where we were at in terms of progression: Best record in over a decade Best defense in over a decade Year two of consistency Declining Offense with no answer at QB Based off of that, what did we improve? We brought in a defensive minded coach who runs a completely different scheme. A coach that ran a defense that made Kyle Orton look like Aaron Rodgers. I mean, we shredded them TWICE. A defense that was terrible against the run. Also, in making this change, we are going back to playing people out of position and reducing players like Hughes to situational pass rushersThis is speculation, but I'm also afraid that we are going to have to waste FA money and draft picks to bring in people to fit this scheme. Offensively, we brought in an offensive coordinator who had Kaep regress under his watch. And sorry, but Kaep is better than EJ. They were terrible in the passing game with legit receivers and a Pro-Bowl TE. I get that they played elite defenses, but this is the NFL and no one is a cake walk. He produces a running game, but is based upon an offensive line that probably won't be able to be reproduced here with our talent for a little while. End of the day, while personnel is a big factor, scheme and coaching is too. When the season ended, would you have wanted the San Fran offense and the Jets defense to replace our team? I would say no 10 times out of 10. I get it. Fresh start, new players to them. But these are big leaps of faith that we can have the running game being promised and that the final 3 years of Rex's coaching career were the anomaly compared to his first 3 years as a head coach. Again, I want to be optimistic but we basically gutted our strength and reinforced our weakness.
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