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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. What I'd be willing to give up has nothing to do with Kaep. It's about the qb position. What would an average qb do for this roster immediately? So would I give up on 10 players, who aren't on the roster, who only have a 40% chance of making the team and 20% chance of staying on the team for 10 years? Yes, yes I would. We can't keep playing the qb hunting game. It's been 20 years. So if we did something that extreme to fix that problem finally and basically guarantee us the playoffs for the next few years....I'd be good. I'd also do this for any mid tier qb. They are that hard to find. At least for us For Luck, I'd give my next three drafts away. Crazy? I bet the colts would still say no.
  2. No matter what you think of Kaep in terms of overall QB rankings, he is better than what we have and what will become available to us over the next few years. He's also proven he can get his team to the Super Bowl. With that, I would do whatever it takes to get him if he really is available. And yes, I'd give up multiple first round picks. In fact, I'd give up this next years draft and next years 1st and 2nd for him. Think that's insane? Well how about 20 years of not having a qb? How about making the playoffs this year and going forward? You think those picks of more depth on a quality roster is going to make that change? No, because it hasn't before. It's a QB league and we are a team that hasn't found one in two decades. I'd sell the farm and look crazy doing it just to know that the QB question is answered for the next decade.
  3. For me, this boils down into two camps. 1 - it's about the impact of the cheating, which is highly debatable 2 - it's about the fact that pats knew the rule, executed a plan to break it, then denied it. Regardless of the impact. I'm in the #2 camp. And the fact that they did this, plus spygate, plus the bs formations. I'm fine with the ruling. Not because I hate the Pats, but because the consistent middle finger to the league and acting better than everyone else. If the Bills did this, I'd be pissed. I'd rather lose with integrity than win a Super Bowl with Billicheat and Marsha
  4. It's not that the final two games were affected, it's that Brady shouldn't have played in them. Hence, they were played under unfair circumstances
  5. I like that this happens. It shows the many on the board can think objectively, even when it involves a team we hate. It makes for better conversation
  6. If all of these actions are deemed to have happened, why would their two wins after the fact still count? College teams strip wins and titles all the time. If I'm the Ravens or the Seahawks, I'm pissed. They played games against a QB that shouldn't have been in they game. And the team itself has been found guilty. I know this won't happen, but I'd me more pissed that this ruling took so long and our current "super bowl" champs are frauds AGAIN
  7. Again, how did this happen before Saturday? I thought no real visits or money could be discussed before then.
  8. I'm very confused. I thought he couldn't sign until Saturday or have real visits? So how did he negotiate a contract? I agree that the kid is free to make his own choice. But, was it a fair playing field?
  9. Didn't see this posted, but apparently he can't officially meet with teams until Saturday. Maybe that's why players and Rex handled things the way they did.
  10. That's a bit dramatic. You put a top 10 QB on our team last year, we are in the afc championship game. You put Rodgers on our team this year, we are super bowl favorites.
  11. I'm really curious to see the way teams try to get around the contract situation and what kind of precedent that sets going forward. Can there be playing incentives?
  12. Okay, trying to get back on topic. It appears that he will be able to sign within the next few days. If the Bills are able to pull that off, then I would view the draft as a huge success. I wanted a QB sure, but they passed on the guys we liked twice and I trust that there is a reason for that. To walk away with a starting G & T was all we really needed.
  13. Kinda feel bad for Petty. I bet he believed the hype
  14. Don't get it at all. He's a #4 corner at best for us. Waste of a #2
  15. What about that DIII Offensive lineman people are raving about?
  16. That was one of the craziest 24 hours I can remember as a fan. Never have I payed so close attention to someone's travel plans
  17. If the Bills keep improving their win totals and become relevant consistently, what will have been the moment that turned it all around. As I think about this from time to time, I have to say it's the signing of Mario Williams. His signing here broke the string of players not wanting to sign here. His play allowed the line to see more single teams and get better. And their play allowed the rest of the D to step up. I don't know if it will all pan out, but if it does...It started there.
  18. That's not the question. I'm not going to play the hindsight game there as it's not debatable yet. They still have years to grow. Right now, I'd say it's a push. But it's been said that they would have taken Ebron. Either way, Sammy was the best WR projected, he won us at least 2 games, and we got him. So yeah, for as much as you can analyze a trade and picks in the NFL within the first year, the Bills did just fine
  19. Yes. Absolutely. When our pick came along, there wasn't anyone I'd rather have. Sammy is better than Ebron + Whoever was left at 19. Even if the Bills had a first round pick, I wish they would have traded back.
  20. To be clear, I never said I wanted them to do it. I agree that the talent is thin and we are good at 50 or trade back. I'm just asking who would be worth it to you IF they did
  21. This pry won't happen, but if they gave up next years first and this years 2nd... What player would make that an okay trade for you?
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