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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. Sorry, but unless he's a top 3 pick, no one from this current rookie salary pool is even in the top 3. Mike Williams robbed us. He's my #1 2 - Aaron Maybin 3 - Donte Whitner (just for who he was picked ahead of and for being an !@#$ after he left)
  2. I understand the complexity of reading a defense and the pressure of having Super Mario breathing down your neck when making a throw. Being a QB is easily one of the top skill positions amongst all of sports and only about 15 teams in the world seem to have a good one. However, with all of these Qb's out there that have played in pee wee, why do I keep reading about all of these guys missing open throws in practice. I can handle the int's and the sacks. But when I'm reading the twitter feed and it's all about missing the WR's by 10-15 yards under no stress, I'm just baffled. And it seems to be with all of them. How is it possible that these guys made it this far? How can they be this bad? I mean, I remember Cassel playing for the Pats and he could at least hit the wide open guys. Even EJ could at least get the ball in the vicinity, whether it be low or behind the guy. Maybe they are just exaggerating. But how can they be as bad as they are making them out to be?
  3. I agree that this is a final audition for Cassel. If it's a dead heat, Roman would rather have a mobile Tyrod or EJ. If Cassel can't take the job in the next two weeks, I think he's cut and they want to do their due diligence.
  4. Looking for ideas and thoughts for a league name. I have to keep it a little clean, due to some of the members, but I want it funny and something that a logo could accompany. Right now, Stephen Hawking's Cleats is a contender. Or Tebow's O Face.
  5. I know, right? DDDDOOOOMMMMEEEDDDD!!!!!
  6. Doesn't matter how healthy Watkins is. Doesn't matter how fast Percy is. Doesn't matter how great Woods' hands are. If NONE of our QBs can't complete basic passes in practice after all these years in the league, they aren't gonna figure it out over the next month. And if we can't pass, then teams will stack the run. We are not gonna be good enough offensively to put up 20 point a game. And if you hold the Colts, Pats, etc to 17 points, that's a great defensive effort.
  7. Agreeing here is tough, but kind of a no-brainier. You don't have this, you don't have a playoff team. Can make all your weaknesses go away
  8. The bonus is a thank you for the past two years. Now he can actually live like the star he has become. And rarely do I say that without sarcasm. He deserves it
  9. I think everyone is overlooking the real reason he got shut down. Today he made the comment about Russel Wilson saying that if you put him on the Bills, they would be a top 3 Superbowl contender. Can't have that! In all seriousness, what he said was light compared to any other show. Love him or hate him, this is just a sought-after reason to get rid of him sooner.
  10. I have Comcast and you have to be in their third highest tier to get ESPN. It's kinda sad as it's the only channel I care about besides the basics. I could see a lot of people just giving up on it because it's almost the cost of adding a premium channel
  11. We of all fans should appreciate someone like Wilson. We'd be in the AFC championship game with him this year and probably last. Plus, Flacco got top money. I'd take him over Flacco in a heartbeat. All the guys want top money because it's only top money for a year and they rarely play those contracts out. Seattle has huge cap issues coming their way. If they non-exclusive franchise him, I'd be all over that. Hell, what do they want for him now? Next two years firsts and seconds? Done!
  12. In fairness, he doesn't even know if he'll be on the team next year. Fitz and Losman both did it and were gone within 2 years. If he gets the reins and we commit to him, then get back to me
  13. I didn't think there was a tag that didn't allow the player to leave under any circumstances. That would suck if he got hurt during that year
  14. If some of these big name QBs get franchised tagged, like Eli, Russell, Rivers, is it still a pair of first round picks for another team to sign them away? If that's the case and Wilson gets tagged, I would hope to see us jump on that. I feel like it isn't that easy though
  15. It's just too bad that the Guard position isn't as easy to transition to Tackle. We would have 3 guards and no RT still, unless someone actually pans out
  16. I know we drafted a guy, but this would be a huge upgrade for us. I'd be fine paying him and having some competition for the G spots. However, if we really are going to re-sign Dareus then we pry don't have the money
  17. Option 2 - But they are 10-6 and don't make it in on a tie-breaker and EJ didn't start and get it together until after they starter 1-4. In that case, yes!
  18. They had to keep it fair to the league. You can't have that much talent on the roster. Tuel walks on the field, it's over
  19. I think we are gonna see some decent post-June 1st cuts this year. And some signings.
  20. Miss or miss a beat, it's still nuts to think that it won't affect the team. If it were that easy, then we should just trade him now.
  21. Sorry, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Why we won't miss out pro-bowl anchor? Try again
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