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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. Fair enough. And again, I should have expected it. But like I said, we should fully expect to win. If we don't and it's because of some BS about being outcoached or not being prepared, I may lose my mind
  2. Since Nike took over making the uniforms, I haven't like the quality of them except for the $300 ones and I'm not paying that. I've been buying them online from one of those Asian sites and have loved them. The iron on numbers that Nike tries to sell as fan jerseys are just terrible
  3. I'm gonna say Taylor. I just have a feeling that Shady's injuries are going to keep flaring up and Karlos is gonna be good enough to move on from him sooner than later. Now, if you are a yearly jersey purchaser, I'd go with Shady
  4. It's amazing to me the responses and personal attacks I've seen to my posts since the Patriots game. Many calling me a troll, telling me that we lost to a great team and be happy we are 1-1, etc. What I can't figure out is the hypocrisy around someone getting passionate(emotional) about their sports team on a fanboard about that sports team. Here's what I know: The Bills organization and players don't know I exist besides the money they get from season tickets. There is nothing I do that has any impact on the game No matter what happens in the game, my life is not affected in any real way, unless I bet money on the game We are only two weeks into the season We can still make the playoffs What's a fan: A fanatic is a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause. With that, every single person is on here because they have a strong feeling about the team, positive or negative. We let ourselves get consumed in ways that non-sports fans think we are crazy for. I remember crying after the 3rd Superbowl loss because I just couldn't understand why we couldn't win one. So yes, I am extremely angry about our loss last week. I'm not mad that we lost as much as I'm mad how we lost and the responses after the game. Rex does a great job of hyping up his team and the media. It's been non-stop Bills/Pats coverage for the past 10 days. And based off of everything, I fully expected it to be a game. Win or lose, a competitive game where we showed them we aren't their whipping boys anymore. That they shouldn't look at us on the schedule and assume the W. But that's not what happened. I felt lied to honestly. I felt setup. I felt like this great coaching staff somehow didn't know how the Pats played and how to stop them. It was as big a letdown game since the Raiders game last year. So yes, I'm going to be pessimistic. I'm going to assume that Roman doesn't know how to utilize his WR's in a game until he proves me otherwise. I'm going to assume that Rex can't find that line between hype and professionalism in getting the job done. And I'm going to hope every single week that they prove me wrong because I'm not going to get sucked into a game like that with the optimism I had. And the great thing is, and the beauty of the internet, you don't have to agree or respond. The people that do with such anger and attacks blow my mind. It's like holding a protest sign saying you don't believe in protesting. Don't worry though, I'm sure there is something wrong with this post as well. But I'm going to keep on doing like I do. I'm going to keep posting how I feel after a game with the same passion you feel, but maybe from a different lens. I'm going to keep posting in my "What BS excuse will we hear if we lose to Miami thread" because even though I expect to win, I'm very curious to hear the spin if we don't. And honestly, it's a lot easier going into a game with caution than it is with the unbridled optimism we started the season on. Good news is, I will never take anything posted personally on here. I enjoy posting as well as the back and forth with many. The angrier I see someone, the more I know I'm talking to a true fan. Those who take it personal and beyond the conversation at hand, those are the ones I worry for. Thank you for your time
  5. I'm a troll? I feel like you don't know what that terms means online. I'm sorry, but saying we were outcoached and unprepared is a BS excuse after last week. It's not that we lost, it's how we lost. It's the fact that everyone and their mothers knew what NE was going to do, who they were going to throw to, and we still weren't ready. I expect more of this organization as they have prompted me to.
  6. I feel like some of you aren't taking this for the cliche' fest it's meant to be, but okay
  7. -They were playing their first home game, them and their fans were really hyped. -They have an under-rated D -Tyrod needs more time -Rex didn't get the team ready -Any given Sunday blah Just want to get these out of the way because there is absolutely no reason we should lose this Sunday if we are the team we are "supposed" to be.
  8. If the idea was to drop guys in coverage because we thought our front 4 could do enough, why not press the guys. You can't quick throw the ball if they are getting bumped off the line. This is the biggest question I have about our defensive scheme. Offensive, tons of questions. Why not throw deep, where is Clay, etc...
  9. So, hope the Pats get cold, injured, or another team beats them for us? I mean, how is that not a loser's mentality. I'm not saying that to insult you or anything as I typically like your posts. And yes, I will be happy making the playoffs if we do. It's more that we have the talent to beat them finally. Our strengths should absolutely play to their weaknesses and we still found a way to get embarrassed. We can't be seen as contenders as long as their is any team out there which has our number. Even if we had lost, but it was more of an actual game, I'd feel very differently. Losing isn't what bothers me. It's the fact that we really didn't have a chance until their ego got in their way. It's the fact that our coaches just couldn't get this team ready. So yeah, until I see that chance and show itself on the field, it's hard to be optimistic that we will get past them.
  10. I've reached stage 4, acceptance. Overall, the most disappointing thing about yesterday is that it feels like we can't be better than 2nd place in the AFC. I feel like we can beat any team but the Pats right now. As for the emotion of it, I blame myself and Rex for putting myself and the players at that level and you could see it on the sidelines almost immediately. The Bills played out of control and dug themselves too much a whole. Yes, we came back at the end, but we never led the game beyond the first 5 minutes and the game shouldn't have been like that. I also re-affirmed my hatred for Brady and Bilicheat. You can't convince me that they weren't trying to run up the score at the end so Brady could throw his 400th TD in our stadium as a point of FU. Their cockiness is what allowed us to come back more than anything. We were able to score on some broken plays. If they stuck to their gameplan, I don't think we came back even close. But going forward, I do expect to win a lot of games. I do expect to be a playoff team. And yes, yesterday was just a crazy day in the NFL. Just look at survivor leagues. Here are my concerns though going forward: Is this what causes Rex to lose control of his teams? He gets them hyped up and when they start to lose, they eventually turn on themselves? Can Roman really gameplan where he uses his WR's? He didn't in San Fran and we haven't seen much of Sammy or Woods Can this team prepare and get to the points where beating the Pats isn't a fluke? Unless we beat them at home on Monday Night (doubtful), the road to the Superbowl will most likely go through Foxboro There are still other questions, but I admit that it's too early to tell. I think that Tyrod will learn from this. I think that weird things happen on any given Sunday. But this just hurts so much more because this was our best opportunity to show we've arrived and we squandered it. It's like being a boxer and knowing that no matter who you beat, there's that one guy out there who holds the title and can mess you up. How optimistic can you really get knowing that?
  11. I love this mentality of people who, just because you are pissed and critical means you should stop watching. You should be pissed. These tickets were not cheap for many fans. A lot of us pay a ton for directv. We are sold a product and it's been a disappointment for years. Now, you hype us up, promise change, and then lay an egg. I don't care about the points we put up in garbage time. I care that Brady broke passing records against us. I care that our coach failed after calling all of this attention to us. It's embarrassing and I'm tired of being embarrassed. Yes, we are 1-1. Yes, we can still make the playoffs. But yes we got let down a ton by our team for the 1000th time. And yes, it will keep happening to the Pats. So how high can you get on a team when you know it's only a matter of time until they embarrass us again? Worst case, we don't make the playoffs. Best case, we do and face them in Foxboro. How do you think that will end? We root, we hype, we hope for a chance to be the best. We were reminded today that we aren't and it's not close. Sorry if you are okay with that.
  12. I'd put anything on it sport. Loser never posts again, deal?
  13. Of course it's not good. It is literally the worst they can play, and they still had a chance at the end. I'm not giving up n on the season though, because I'm not a moron like the OP. So, when we play at Foxboro, how much money do you want to put on the Bills? Exactly. Look at the final score all you want, you know that was a laugher. I feel sorry for everyone drinking the kool-aid
  14. We were in this game for the first drive, that was it. Did you watch this game?
  15. Keep drinking the kool aid and accepting your place as inferior to the Pats. We spent too much money and brought all this attention on ourselves to show this. It's a joke and I'm sorry you are okay with it
  16. You want to win a championship, you can't get humiliated like that when playing the best.
  17. We beat a Colts team in the rain and probably played out of our minds. The conference runs through New England and we have proven again that we aren't anywhere near their level
  18. Thank you to: The Bills fans chanting "We Want Brady" Rex Ryan for bringing the media circus to Buffalo so everyone could see how crap we are Roman, for being completely ineffective in having his team prepared Our 200+ million defensive line for getting absolutely no pressure all game Whoever our D Coordinator is for not being able to cover 2 people. And the same 2 people we knew it would be The announcers for showing the stat of Brady being only 3 TD's short of 400. You knew he'd be going for it The Refs for needing to get their quality TV time Aaron Williams for just giving away 15 yards at a time But most importantly, Thank you to the Buffalo Bills organization for letting me know early that we won't be contenders again this year as long as the Pats are in the league. You can't stand a chance against the best, you'll always be in the middle
  19. I think so too. And if he does, I'm just going to get more annoyed that we traded Kiko, paid Shady his money, and cut Fred.
  20. First off, 15 years of playoff drought and being Brady's B word makes it tough for me to say this. However, when I really break it down, we have almost every possible advantage in this game. 1 - We have made Luck, Manning, and Rodgers look mediocre. Even if Brady is the best of them, which I don't think he is, we have the best defense out there against top Qb's and it's been proven. 2 - They have two offensive receiving threats. Gilmore is good enough Edleman. We could put either Williams or Graham on Gronk and still have a Safety over the top. Williams could even bump him off the line with his size. 2a - Even if we only play one safety deep, which I think we should, we could still send a blitzer up the middle all game long. They have an undrafted rookie starting at center and Brady is at his worst when he gets pressure from the inside. We have the best front four in the NFL. We add a 5th man on most of our plays, we should at least make it very uncomfortable for them. 3 - Sammy, Woods, Harvin. The Patriots have gotten decimated at CB. Antonio Brown and Heyward Bay torched them. Brown may be a top 5 WR, but we have way more play makers than they can cover. It's not even close. The only questions are how prepped do we get Tyrod for whatever looks they throw at us and prevent him from making dumb turnovers. Plus, will we finally see this great running game we've been prepping for all offseason. Didn't see it last week and this Pats got run all over by the Steelers. For both of these, if the coaching is as good as we think, this should at least be a push. With that, take the history of losing out of your mouth and tell me where we are at a disadvantage? We have the firepower to stop theirs. We really do. Okay, now that I've solidified that we will get blown out...where am I wrong?
  21. Can we veto that trade? I'm good with Karlos Williams and Freddie to back him up.
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