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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. In this crazy hypothetical..... It's more about crippling the Jets than anything else. Yes, we swept them, but they won 10 games. And yes, I do believe that Fitz is better than EJ. No question to me. If Fitz was willing to take the money to be a back-up, it would be worth it to me. Especially if we aren't spending it on someone else. Look at last year, my pet rock would have beaten the Jags at QB. Fitz is not god's gift my any means, but he's better than butt-fumble. That team needs a game manager at best and Fitz can do that. It's when he has to go into gun-slinger mode in the 4th that the int's come out. If I'm a Broncos fan, I'm much happier with Fitz to start until Lynch is ready I'd give him a mil more than what the Jets are offering, which is maybe 7 mil a year? And again, we aren't spending it anywhere else so who cares. You can't roll it over
  2. No matter how much I say this won't happen, someone is going to take this seriously, but oh well. The Jets are nothing with Geno or their rookie at the helm. Literally nothing. Yet, they still float Fitz in the wind. TT is good to miss 2-4 games with injury based off his style of play. We aren't signing Gilmore or TT this offseason. Sign Fitz. Have a strong backup. Completely eliminate the Jets as competition. Laugh out loud. Yes, I know. Fitz wants to start. We aren't paying a back-up that money. Yadda yadda yadda. But in bizarro world where this happens, I wouldn't hate it. I still can't believe the Broncos haven't gone after him.
  3. Can't remember his name, but he cared a lot about what kind of car I drove
  4. Right now, the floor for TT is 18 mil. If Osweiler got 17, TT is getting a min of 18. Outside of Luck, the next top 5 make about 22 mil a year. With that, there is absolutely no reason to jump the gun on TT if the variable is only 4 mil a year. If he does great, we paid an extra 2-4 mil a year to be sure of our investment. Well worth it. If he tanks and we signed him, it's Fitz all over again. I like TT. I want him to do win the job and be the man for years to come. But we are in a great situation with him right now. My biggest fear, he only plays in 75% of the games, plays great in half of those and average in the remainder and we are forced to guess next season yet again.
  5. I lost my **** when Brady ready his letter
  6. Storming the field is like going to the Grand Canyon. Sure, it's exciting to think about and you get hyped on the way. But once you are there it's all "how long do I have to until I can leave where it won't be disrespectful?" Do the adult thing, get into a fight with opposing fans on their way to their cars
  7. I can't begin to imagine what this must be like. My daughter is 3 and I'd just be done for. And while rules are rules, a lot of places have don't swim signs. Hell, fountains have them. It's a big difference when the sign says "Gators and other deadly animals, keep the !@#$ out"
  8. 60% of the time, it works every time. How many !@#$s we got on this ship? Yo! We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream.
  9. Seriously, how was this not said sooner? Levy, Vermeil, Ditka
  10. Yeah, this is a tough one. Having him and Darby are a large part of Rex's defense. He needs two guys left on an island so the rest of the team can do whatever it is they do. I agree that 15 mil seems like too much, but with the rising cap and this being a premium position, I don't know if it's that crazy anymore. Is next years 15 the same as 12 a few years back? I like Gilmore, but I think I'd like to see someone step up that can be a replacement. But either way, we will be paying it to Darby in a few years. Just the nature of the business when you are able to get guys like this.
  11. I love Karlos, however he is one hit away from retirement. Also, Karlos was the knock-out shot after tons of body shots throughout the game. I think he is the perfect complimentary back. The workhorse? Maybe, but not yet
  12. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/texas-on-record-setting-pace-for-inappropriate-teacher-student-relationships/ar-BBtTlrW?li=BBnbfcL And yes....I would
  13. I still can't bring myself to watch it
  14. It's about him not becoming who he is. I hope they draft him, break him apart, and release him to flip burgers Rob walked off the field a winner. Titans D got them to the super bowl. No telling that Flutie would have done better. Remember, Flutie lost our playoff game against the Dolphins with his fumble.
  15. Besides wide right, I'm drafting Brady. That changes the last 15 years. 2nd place is prepping the team for the Titans lateral forward bs. 3rd is Aaron Rodgers
  16. What do you see that makes you able to move on from last year? No changes on offense. Hopefully TT gets better with experience and Woods was crap because of health. Defensively, we've lost more than we've gained. You can't say that we've definitely upgraded at any one position and Rex hasn't proven anything with this team. I'm trying to keep out of this, but I just don't see what you are seeing
  17. I hate to give them the props, but think about this team, division, and league in two years when the Pats are done. I personally think Billicheat will leave with Brady, but don't know if I think it will matter. Right now it's the Pats every year as the team to beat in the entire NFL unless something happens. The playoffs don't become a wild card conversation anymore. It becomes a home playoff game realistic option. While it's fun to hope and pray now, it's going to be a whole new ball game soon.
  18. At this point I wouldn't care. But I still would never let Vick or Brady on this team. I'm full of hypocrisy
  19. Really, aunt is where this show crosses the line?
  20. At the time of the draft, had the Bills said Lawson was going to immediately get surgery, would that make this easier for some of you? Is it the seeming ineptitude of the FO for not seeing this coming or the fact that our first round pick won't be ready until halfway through the season And yes, I believe that's how long until he's ready. It's 3/4 months before he can start getting his body into game shape. So it will take some time before he's ready. Then, realize he's a rookie and it takes some time to get him acclimated to the speed of the game. I'm saying he starts by Halloween. But we won't see the impact until december. Look at any rookie at his position, they rarely set the world on fire immediately. That's not pessimism, just rookies
  21. No one takes a players health by their word.
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