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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. This, unfortunately. Hated them ever since
  2. Another Tyrod thread cleverly marked as something else. Lovely
  3. I've heard of him. Sign 'em
  4. Debate what he's worth all you want, but the Dynasty, Super Bowl Champs felt it was worth to pay him more than we did and make him their starter. They are right and will be right until proven otherwise. We messed up with Gilly.
  5. I'll say it. Ray Rice. Bring him to camp and just see. If he's out of shape, no big deal. But yes, we need another HB and there are plenty of guys out there whom we can kick the tires on
  6. What's Kodi?
  7. What's the deal for students?
  8. Doommmeeeedddddd!!!!!!
  9. Hard to not take this as either a slap in the face or the Bills being trying to lowball a position of need. A two year deal doesn't hurt us in whatever rebuild we are doing. Between Sammy's injury history and Jones being a rookie, I feel like Maclin would've helped this team out a lot. Considering the press McCoy and TT put on him, it'a hard to think he wasn't wanted here. So again, our offer was crap, which is a crap job by McDermy or he was never considering us.
  10. I was wondering how this thread racked up 159 pages. I am not disappointed.
  11. Heard she was doing some research for her next role about a woman who suffers from crippling depression due to an abusive relationship. Last seen at Dick's Sporting Goods buying Bills gear
  12. I've done a good job of forgetting that Gilmore and Gilly went to the Pats this offseason. So, this article doesn't help me. I'm waiting for our first match up where Gilly and Hogan score all the TD's and Gilmore has a pick 6. God I hate the Pats and now I have to hate their "grass is greener" asses too.
  13. I'll find a good link. Just saw it reported. Really unfortunate for the kid and his family. ‪ http://www.fortwaynesnbc.com/article.html#!/135889/d7df5e956f0322686185f9ccc509071b‬
  14. I'm a huge nerd by the way of comics. Wonder Woman is not a favorite character of mine and many of the DC movies have been off to me. With that, Wonder Woman was fantastic! Easily the best DC movie in this new comic world. I can't compare it to Dark Knight because it's just a different kind of film. The best comparison I can give it is Captain America, but I liked this better. I absolutely recommend.
  15. Eh, outside of this past year, I can't say I'm a big fan of Miami's scouting department. They went after names, not talent.
  16. Madden 18 rating should leak soon. We can just check what our roster is going to be and sign those guys. It's all good
  17. On the flip side, posters need to stop posting multiple threads about the same thing or taking their crusade through other people's posts. Most of the comments are in response to this issue. People seem to think that if their post doesn't get a good response, that they need to say it over and over again or create a new thread to make sure it's seen. Or they hate TT and need to preach.
  18. Just something that no one should ever have to go through. Senseless tragedy and my thoughts are with Berman. He will always be loved, especially for his unwavering Bills support over the years.
  19. Then just sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch this place explode next draft if we don't draft a qb
  20. How would they feel if a player does really well? Um, pretty good I would think.
  21. I don't know what a picture of a draft pick looks like, but I'm curious too
  22. Thought it would be good to dust off the cobwebs and put something out there. It's hard to not post gut reactions in the moment with the flurry of activity this past week, and believe me, I've had many. For the BBMB people out there, you'll get used to the format 1 - Grades, Starters, Trades, It's all opinions - NFL Draft week is amazing in that we have a ton of "experts" in the media and on here who all somehow know which players are booms or busts. Truth is, no one really knows anything for sure, but it's the football offseason so that passion needs to go somewhere. I say this not to tell people to keep it to themselves, but to just remind everyone that there aren't any wrong opinions. There are a ton of opinions out there that I strongly disagree with, but that's the beauty of the internet and bringing different brains into the equation. We all agree on one common thing and that's wanting the Bills to win a championship. 2 - McDermott - Like the draft, I have no idea what kind of head coach he is going to be, but he's who we got so I have to hope for the best. So far, he seems to be saying all the right things and I think he will clean up a lot of the sloppyness that Rex brought about. My biggest concern is that he's a first time coach being handed the keys to the franchise. He doesn't know how to be a head coach and it looks like we are letting him be the GM right now. Time will tell on how that will work out with this draft, but I overall don't think this is a good idea for the organization. That kind of power should be reserved for a Reid or BB, not a rookie HC. I would say this about anyone 3 - Whaley - I don't know if this was the right time to let him go or not, but the timing felt weird to me. The draft and FA seems to be the most important time for a GM and they fired him right when he was done. I can only guess what his level of involvement was in the draft and FA. If he was a big factor, then terming him now seems dirty. If he wasn't, then what was the point of keeping him this long. No matter what, I liked Whaley. I don't know how you predect injuries or suspensions, but he brought in a lot of good talent. He found a lot of disregarded players from other teams that were studs for us. I'm not thrilled with his use of the restricted tag these past few years, but all GM's make mistakes. I don't see him as the trainwreck like others did, because I see the good with the bad. Great GM, no. Terrible, also no. His biggest mistake to me was ignoring WR, OT, and S these past two years. Funny that the moment we fix it, he's gone. 4 - When the world ends Collect your things You're coming with me When the world ends You tuckle up yourself with me Watch it as the stars disappear to nothing The day the world is over We’ll be lying in bed 5 - Rebuilding - I don't know how else to look at everything going on this offseason and not believe we are going through a re-build. Except for some contracts that we are locked into, we are turning over all the major positions. New HC, new GM, TT is on a very short, team friendly deal, and we have the ammo next year to make a major move if we need to. Take that, add our tough strength of schedule into account, and we are in for a rough year. We do have good talent, but in a league where familiarity of scheme, players working in sync, and overall team stability is the difference between playoffs or not, I see us being at least two years out. I will still enjoy the season and watch our rookies and scheme develop, but my expectations are not high. 6 - Tyrod and the Rookie QB's - I am a well known believer that TT is a good enough qb. He's not going to put us on his back and win games for us, but he's isn't going to lose them either. This is not the conversation I'm trying to have. No matter what your opinion is on our QB, you have to be happy with our situation now. TT isn't costing us anything. He has weapons going into the season. If he bombs, we have two 1st round picks to make a move in a much better class. I know we say this every year, but this was a year the Trubisky went 2nd overall. A guy who started one season for UNC. Next year has at least 3 guys that should go in the top 10 and could start year one. With our schedule and new scheme, I could see us with a top 10 pick. If the Chiefs don't make the playoffs, we could easily trade into the top 3 next year. So, TT fan or not, he'll either earn the job or we will have your guy next year. Personally, I like that we got Peterman and wasn't a fan of any QB's in this draft. Mahomes has the tools, but he was very raw and needed to sit a few years. He wasn't the franchise changer we needed right now. 7 - Watkins - There are so many opinions about this kid, so I'm just going to keep it simple. I don't think that anyone can argue with his talent. When healthy, he has absolutely embarrassed opposing defenses and corners. Unfortunately, staying healthy is a real factor for him and we still don't know if his foot will ever truly be 100%. The other issue, which is not his fault at all, was that he was drafted in a once in a decade draft where the top 5 WR's were all pretty amazing. Going into the draft, he was the clear #1 WR and we took him. It was the right choice, trade up or not, and we took the sure thing at the time. But like all draft scenarios, life happens and it's all coulda, shoulda, woulda. Yes, we could have stayed put and taken the other guys, but again, hindsight. I'm very happy we got Jones as an insurance plan and hopefully Watkins gets through this season and earns his extension. Either way, time will tell. 8 - Drafting for need - We've needed a RT and #2 WR for two years. DB became a major need when Gilmore walked. Which, I never would have paid him what the Pats did. I like Gilmore, but he wasn't worth the gamechanger money he got. But I digress. This was the first draft where I felt like we drafted for need instead of Best Player Available. It involved a lot of trades and I have to say I'm happy with how it turned out. Earning the 1st rounder from next year was huge. The picks right after we traded up for Jones were WR's, so I believe that was necessary to get our guy. I'm not sure how I feel about giving up the two picks to jump up and get Dawkins, but I'm not in the war room. End of the day, if we lost two 5th round picks but found our starting RT, I'm good. We walked away with 3 day one starters and a first next year. If those pan out like they should, that's a solid draft. But like I said in the beginning, who really knows. 9 - Schedule - How are we playing the Dolphins and Pats twice in the last 5 weeks? I mean, seriously? 3 home games in December doesn't do the season ticket holders any favors as we also only have 2 home games through week 6. No prime time games outside of Thursday night makes sense, but against the Jets again is odd. Either way, our divisional matchups were going to be rough no matter what and we do get some good dome teams at the Cap, so it could be worse. With all the change happening, I'll take a win over the Pats and progress from our rookies to feel good about things. 10 - Newbies - Please read the forum rules and get a feel for how things are done on here. I've been on this site for 14 years now. It's been great for many things, but temperament and structure has been a big factor. It's not always group hugs, but it's within control and reason. Again, it's a forum. Not everyone is going to get along. I understand that you are passionate about things happening in the moment, but please don't make your own thread when it's being talked about in 5 places on the homepage. Don't post the same idea across those 5 threads or try to steer the conversation in your direction. The draft was a good test run to see how everyone is going to do on gameday and I'll admit to being a bit nervous. The mods might be working a little harder that day. In any case, thanks for humoring me. Looking forward to training camp and a preseason game in Baltimore. I'll pick up the recaps for the preseason unless Bill wants the honor back. It's always yours when you want it sir
  23. You have to assume all first three round picks are meant to start, outside of qb. No one really knows the quality until game time.
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