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Everything posted by BillZtime

  1. Been there done that - this video FAILS to acknowledge what TRUMP specifically said as he mocked the poor guy. “Now, the poor guy, you ought to see this guy, ‘Ah, I don’t know what I said, I don’t remember, I don’t remember, maybe that’s what I said.’” Your video attempts to normalize Trumps behavior but anyone with a brain can HEAR and SEE what Trumpy said. It's so funny you just can't admit you're WRONG.
  2. Well, I guess the administrators max out someones usage - or put my account entirely on hold cause I disrupted the incestuous Trump circle jerk here... I fully expect this account to get banned as well... You freaks can ONLY handle sugar coated Trump news.
  3. Um, only in your fantasy land did Trump NOT mock the reporter but if you actually believed in FACTS you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
  4. You bending over backwards for anything and everything Trump does is palpable big guy Oh look who it is!
  5. It was a big discussion point yesterday among some loyal - Trump can NEVER do anything wrong - members who dominate this thread. I see that those posts were deleted. I guess the admins on this board love to censor.
  6. Remember this "photo-shopped" image? Well, here's the actual VIDEO of the Helsinki event - fast forward to 17:30 - watch and weep Trumpholes.
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