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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. 👆🤣WINNING! One positive aspect of Karen's persistent efforts to have me removed from the site is that it prevents her from posting further PSYOPS in other threads. The free speech abolitionists are full of *****, as usual.
  2. OK - I found the site in question - thanks. Just to be clear - AC joined the NATIONAL lawsuit on Title IX - which has NOTHING to do with the allegations AC is making about BECKY PEPPER JACKSON. Why didn't AC just sue BECKY PEPPER JACKSON for harassment?
  3. From the horses mouth - how do you square this @JaCrispy? — 'just be prepared, there's going to be a lot of women coming forward'."
  4. @BillsFanNC’s TDS won’t let him acknowledge this: Actual election interference.
  5. Does Melania stand by her man?
  6. ⬆️ Proof of Trolling, ***t posting, and having no purpose here
  7. ⬆️ Proof of Trolling, ***t posting, and having no purpose here
  8. Oh, I am? Why did all of Tara's legal representation quit on her? Oh, was it because her story kept changing? And why did Tara leave the US and now works for the greatest PSYOP of all, RT? Yeah... @JaCrispy - go please post another "compelling" video on kids in high school you creep.
  9. Every, and I mean EVERY accusation is a confession with these MAGA NUTTERS.
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