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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Why won't the Hitler TikToks report on this?
  2. So, what would you call Conald? Trump cheated on every wife. He cheated on Melania numerous times - he threw his unprotected richard into Stormy's yahoo while his wife was at home nursing a newborn son. What a deplorable group of people...
  3. ⬆️ Ahhhh another commie shi.t poster. So worried about everybody else than himself. Typical Karen.
  4. It's textbook example of election interference. Why is this so painful for you?
  5. Awe, Karen - pull it together big gurl. I'm sorry you don't have anything relevant to discuss these days and have to push psyops from 2020.
  6. ⬆️ Embraces Soviet style police state tactics.
  7. Roe is coming.
  8. Julie Psyop should be proud.
  9. lmao - look at these clowns
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