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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. GAY MEN UNDER THE NAZI REGIME The Nazi regime carried out a campaign against male homosexuality and persecuted gay men between 1933 and 1945. As part of this campaign, the Nazi regime closed gay bars and meeting places, dissolved gay associations, and shuttered gay presses. The Nazi regime also arrested and tried tens of thousands of gay men using Paragraph 175 of the German criminal code. Uncovering the histories of gay men during the Nazi era was difficult for much of the twentieth century because of continued prejudice against homosexuality and the postwar German enforcement of Paragraph 175.
  2. “It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.” ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
  3. Wow seems really important to keep bumping DEI threads. What's Karen worried about?
  4. 👆Seems important. I wonder why this thread is being bumped.... but yes, please tell us more about shitz posters.
  5. Stealing classified documents and refusing to return will always and forever be extraordinary. Why did Trump have his lawyers sign off on affidavits stating that all documents were returned?
  6. Speaking of freaking out shitz posters. Karen, another thread won’t erase the fact that Trump is an evil, cowardly 💩stain and NAZi.
  7. Tell us more about Executive Order 13769 Obama built the cages for kids that arrived without parents. Trump tore thousands of kids from their parents. Parents were then separated from their children when they were taken into custody. Many of these parents were deported to their countries of origin — mostly to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras Read up: Immigration fact check: 'Who built the cages?' - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) Yeah, you can't square this one bro... nice try.
  8. 1) Nationalism and Xenophobia: Immigration Policies: Trump's "Muslim Ban," barring entry from several predominantly Muslim countries, has drawn comparisons to the racial exclusions of Nazi Germany. Family Separations: The "zero tolerance" policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, resulting in family separations, drew criticism for its inhumane treatment of migrants. Zero-Tolerance: The Trump Administration’s Human Rights Violations Against Migrants Forcible separation of families and the prolonged detention of children in harsh conditions without due process or adequate resources. Family separations 2) Socialism is okay when bailing out farmers because of Trump's failed tariffs: 3) Trump tried to cut funding for Special Olympics and Autism assistance programs The Murder of People with Disabilities | Holocaust Encyclopedia Nazis saw people with disabilities as an obstacle in their attempts to create an idealized "German race." In 1939, the Nazi regime began a systematic program to murder them. It’s not just Special Olympics. Trump’s budget cuts other disabilities programs 4) Abortion and Contraception “The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment,” Trump told a MSNBC town hall after being asked: “Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle?” After his response, the host then sought a clarification on his use of the word punishment: “For the woman?” And Trump said, “Yeah, there has to be some form.” "A Pregnancy Must not be Terminated!" (1933) The Nazi regime-controlled access to abortion and contraception in accordance with its philosophy of racial hygiene. “Pure-race," hereditarily healthy women were supposed to be completely denied access to abortion
  9. He constantly told us who he is...
  10. Irrelevant. Not every Trump voter is a NAZI but every NAZI is a Trump voter.
  11. On brand for you but that is not true.
  12. You mean Tara Reade - the one who couldn't retain her legal representation because her story kept changing so she moved to RUSSIA and now works for RT - RUSSIAN STATE MEDIA. Hoax Hoax
  13. Yes, that is something to be panicked over you. HOW MANY AMERICANS DIED TAKING OUT NAZIS? You are disgusting.
  14. How many Americans died taking out NAZIS in WWII? How many, Karen? Do you think it is even REMOTELY appropriate for Trump to make ANY reference or use of NAZI terminology or glorify HITLER? WTF is WRONG with you? There isn't ONE thing Trump can do that you will denounce. NOT ONE THING. BUT YES, EVERYTHING IS A FKN HOAX TO YOU: UNIFIED REICH Third Reich entered common use throughout Germany after Hitler became chancellor in 1933 POISINONING THE BLOOD OF OUR COUNTRY “Blood poisoning” was used by Hitler in his manifesto “Mein Kampf. After insisting Hitler used the words "in a much different way," Trump went on to make the "blood" reference again. "It's true. They're destroying the blood of the country, they're destroying the fabric of our country, and we're going to have to get them out." link VERNIM Driven by a racist ideology that regarded Jews as “parasitic vermin” worthy only of eradication, the Nazis implemented genocide Trump complained to his White House chief of staff that his generals weren't "totally loyal" like Adolf Hitler’s during World War II “You f---ing generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?” “The German generals in World War II." Kelly described Trump’s “unwillingness to accept that the American generals should not be loyal to him as the German generals were to the leader of Germany. And, again, I very definitely pointed out that they tried to kill him [Hitler] a number of times.” Link Crowd Size Trump boasted to a Republican congressman that German Chancellor Angela Merkel had told him there was "only one" leader in history who had attracted crowds as large as Trump. "She told me she was amazed at the size of the crowds that came to see me speak," Trump told the Republican congressman. "She said she could never get crowds like that. In fact, she told me that there was only one other political leader who ever got crowds as big as mine." The Republican congressman, a close ally of Trump's, couldn't tell whether Trump knew that Merkel was referring to Hitler, who, of course, attracted massive crowds throughout his rule of Nazi Germany. Link TRUMP HAVING DINNER WITH NAZIS TRUMP TELLING US "Hitler did some good things’ Still, more excuses, and NO denunciations from @BillsFanNC, @Doc, @Big Blitz, @B-Man, @LeviF, @Irv, @Tommy Callahan, @All_Pro_Bills, @JDHillFan, @Unforgiven, @SCBills
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