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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. 👆🤡 And we have thousands of pages of these nut jobs praising the terrorists who pissed and schitt all over the US Capitol on 1/6. You can’t make this up.
  2. These idiots got nothing - they're going to slow walk this all the way through the election - and it will still blow up in their faces - lmao
  3. LMAO - the GQP is an embarrassment.
  4. Deep State Concussive Grenades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. So, why is Flynn rallying the cult?
  6. Awe, Karen’s gf is upset at Jack for doing his job - lmao Idiots
  7. This Nazi had dinner with Trump
  8. Nazis did the same thing: National Socialist German Workers' Party
  9. Embarrassing…
  10. 👆😂 Hey look - Trump’s folly!
  11. Well, if I can sway a non-believer, maybe there’s hope for this speed bump after all.
  12. Oh - like they are doing in Ohio? 👆This doesn’t get enough coverage And, this too, is why the cult won’t win in 24. Notice - no one from the peanut gallery is even challenging this - because they know. They also know these nutters are going too far against women.
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