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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. The media and the @Doc’s of the world refuse to face reality. What the GQP did the Kate Cox will define the 2024 race… and that’s why you have @BillsFanNCstarting all these pathetic threads to distract from their pending demise.
  2. Anyone else here beginning to think @BillsFanNCis turning out to be our resident Roy Cohn? You know, Trump’s first fixer? It’s the only thing that can explain his obsession with starting so many anti gay hate threads. And if you don’t know about Roy - go look at his history back in the day with McCarthy (going after commies and gays) and how Roy died. Irony, eh?
  3. Find the culprit? Of course you’re upset at the culprit than the actual former POS traitor POTUS for stealing and sharing classified documents with the Russians. JFC
  4. And Trump is laughing at you.
  5. Oh, so many racists
  6. That’s all you do, Bonnie. Keep dancing
  7. Karen is running out of gas. Sharing Tom's Tweet from March 14, 2023? Poor thing is desperate. lmao
  8. Oh look - two NAZIS!
  9. OH I DUNNO, maybe the same administration that tear gassed peaceful protestors for this? Do you ever think, Karen Psyop? lmao - idiots
  10. And he destroyed his legacy for this? ETTD
  11. Que Julie Kelly and Karen Psyop in 3-2-1
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