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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Un fkn believable what the cult has turned into. How many Americans died fighting these NAZIS? Shame on you disgusting pigs who continue to support and defend this POS.
  2. We gotta winner
  3. No - that would you be you - our resident psyop and race baiter. You're an idiot if you think this has anything to do w the merits of the case. But I get it Karen - you have to celebrate your wins no matter how inconsequential.
  4. And you and your friends here try to whitewash and rewrite Trump’s history and fail EVERY SINGLE DAY. Im glad you feel comfortable with your racism. It takes a lot to come out and feel comfortable in your skin. And guess what Ditz - I won’t let you forget this either. Just like I won’t let Bonnie and @BillsFanNCforget that all they do here is race bait. Congratulations!
  5. LMAO - you got me bro - you fkn got me bro. Dont you ya just love when you step in 💩 and can’t shake the stank? Thats you!
  6. Julie Kelly and Brigitte Gabriel would still find a way to defend Jesus Trump.
  7. That’s fantastic. I can post links that show Massachusetts, CT, and NJ as having the best schools in America but that’s not the point Buffalo Timmy. I don't mean to be blunt, but your writing skills are below standard for a teacher.
  8. The only thing you do at a school is clean the toilets - there is no chance in helll that you’re a teacher. And if you are - it sums up Floriduh perfectly.
  9. Drive it home Ditz - tell everyone you’re fn racist. I love that you feel comfortable w your racism here. Trump really brought out the best in his cult. GTFOH if you don’t like it. Look in the fkn mirror you pig.
  10. Oh BUT of course - lmao - you cannot make this up. These f’ing hypocrites.
  11. What’s wrong with the video? It clearly hit a nerve for you and @BillsFanNC. Very triggered hearing about how black people are treated. Must have been hard for you to hear it - it clearly was - what does that say about you, Karen and the rest of the clowns above? And lastly - let me remind you - because you idiots never think: Look at those threads. Speaks volumes.
  12. Go whitewash people like this guy who finally got caught kneeling on peoples necks you fk. Every f’ing accusation is a confession with these idiots. jfc
  13. Go start another hate thread on LGTBQ - and watch them get destroyed you fk. Make guns easier to obtain watch families get destroyed you fk. Go praise these fks who destroyed and injured hundreds of people this day:
  14. LMAO - I don’t need to play a clip - everyone heard it. I don’t have to bend anything I can just replay or retweet Jesus Trump. Explain to me what exactly is good on this side? And can you identify a Democratic POTUS who blamed Jews for destroying America, praised Hezbollah, and quotes Hitler? Thanks!
  15. This is rich considering the Party of Putin wants to abandon support for Ukraine. Who’s weak? The GQP is fortunate to have so many low iq supporters. .
  16. 👆😂 - this idiot thinks that video - which Conald was FORCED to tape - makes a lick of difference. The whole world saw what happened that day… and everyone saw that video in real time - you really are desperate AF. You will *NEVER* be able to erase the stain, piss, and shitte from that day. Your friends ATOP are proud of your efforts.
  17. Indeed, US voters should remain unaware of the full extent of the alleged corruption surrounding the individual in question... Idiots
  18. Teflon Don
  19. HDS is strong with the cult
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