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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Oh look - our resident racist here to clean up Halley’s mess. This is indefensible.
  2. Yup! It is utterly amazing that our politicians need to worry about offending fn racists.
  3. Yea, you need new content Bonnie - typical MAGA - always behind the times. PS: CNN is owned by conservatives you stupid @#$@
  4. They're all f'n racists PS: If you support them, you're a racist, too.
  5. lmao - you pathetic simp
  6. Just remember, folks - Bonnie should NEVER be trusted.
  7. Moms for Liberty! The other Mom doesn't have LEGS!
  8. Uh oh, the WAR ON WOMEN IS CHANGING - good bye Moms for Liberty - hello MOMS FOR AMERICA - lmao F'n psyop not jobs
  9. Lock this POS up now.
  10. 👆 🤡 👇 Same guy - lmao
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