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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. “Has some issues” There is only one party and candidate praising dictators and quoting Hitler.
  2. That’s cute but that’s not the reason why we call Conald a racist. So you think letting Putin cakewalk thru Ukraine will stop him from moving further West; thus bringing US troops into a war?
  3. So what’s the answer?
  4. Karen doesn’t like when someone gets in the way of his psyop. DR was the same way.
  5. And your keepers promote trickle-down economics - a concept that aims to enrich the wealthy and corporations, at the expense of the middle class and the poor. Ie. Trump’s tax cut for the rich and corp
  6. Thank you, Republicans. Don’t you just love how these pathetic simps keep listening to millionaires for billionaire yet blame Democrats for the deficit. And the simple fact that the “best economy in the world” needed a bailout at the beginning of COVID? Idiots
  7. We will feel it for the rest of our lives you idiot.
  8. Funny - no one wants to discuss the actual fn percentage of trans people because Karen 💩stain has a psyop to sell.
  9. Notice the cult doesn't like to participate in this thread?
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