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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Yeah - we haven’t tapped into selective service since 1973. Nice try. What laws have been passed that medically impose or restrict males?
  2. I understand, “Doc” - no one likes being called a fraud.
  3. 60+ lawsuits and Trump lost 99% of them. You scream stupid, "Doc"
  4. Oh “Doc” - you are no way in hell a medical doctor. Vaccine mandates impact both sexes you freak. What law specifically TARGETS men?
  5. The death penalty doesn’t discriminate.
  6. 1089 days and counting and TDS is strong w these NAZIS.
  7. Bullshitt - where are those polls? Trump fatigue / corruption > Hunter Biden and it isn’t even close. Back up your claim. It was only a matter of time when you would step into your own 💩 again Idiots
  8. The cult knew early on they weren’t popular so that had no option but resort to Putins D
  9. You freaks think the Hunter Biden story had ANY IMPACT on the last election? HDS going strong - priceless.
  10. They can’t get enough of that Putin D
  11. Turd seems upset about something
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