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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Exactly. They have a narrative to sell; they don't have to acknowledge reality.
  2. What a coward. You canโ€™t back up your pathetic take?
  4. Thanks Trump! We could REALLY afford those tax cuts, eh? lmao - f'n idiots.
  5. No wonder why Trump messaged that he doesn't care what's in his best friends files... CANCEL ALL GROOMERS* *Except Donald Trump
  6. Can you highlight exactly what Biden has done to suggest he is a Nazi? Meanwhile:
  7. He is bad. Real bad. ORGANE MAN 24/7 - is absolutely NO different than hearing you freaks BICH about a stolen election (the BIG Lie) every single f'n day here. You freaks spend more time whitewashing (a stench you will never eradicate) and never ever highlighting WHY anyone should vote for the GQP.
  8. DR appreciates your efforts to defend his thread. However, he is no longer here, and you are not a moderator. Take this BS to your safe place.
  9. I sincerely hope that these folks are active here 2billsdrive
  10. Their lives are so miserable that they would rather destroy our country than nominate someone who genuinely cares about our republic and democracy, instead of a con man. They reap what they sow.
  11. Roy will change his tune when Trump secures the nomination.
  12. Karen and Julie really do not want you to see this:
  13. ๐ŸŽฏ
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