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Everything posted by BillStime

  2. So according to “Doc” and Karen apparently NO ONE should be held responsible for their actions on January 6. AND more importantly - the person who stood to benefit the most - should most definitely not be held responsible for his actions leading up to - during - and after January 6. MAGA logic
  3. Hilarious that Julie is trying to hold DeSantis responsible for not doing anything for Jan 6 “hOsTaGeS” and not a word out of her about someone who could:
  4. Are we sure about that? And once again Doc - Trump didn’t have to go to pedo island when Jeffrey brought pedo island to Ped-o-Lago. Once again - they never fn think. Look at coked out Conald w his pedo buddy:
  5. Did Joe try having Kamala bounced from the ballot because she is black? These fn idiots never think PS: Jeb <> black so no idea why these freaks are even mentioning him - lmao
  6. Karen still won’t touch this video.
  7. The cult is digging deep into their bag of distraction.
  8. Taylor is taking on Julie Kelly and Karen PSYOP.
  9. The cult does not care about kids
  10. Red States are killing women - this issue alone is going to kill any GQP candidacy.
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