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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. What goes around…
  2. The Hitler Tiks have an awesome track record of accomplishing nothing.
  3. Sen. Bob Menendez, Rep. Henry Cuellar, Rep. Cori Bush, Hunter Biden, and former Rep. TJ Cox are all laughing at you. Hard.
  4. Notice, none of these idiots dare touch that or Aileen Cannon. This morning, I heard Harris Faulkner on Fox News criticizing Merchant for his alleged conflicts of interest, all while lacking self-awareness or any acknowledgement of the judge overseeing the case related to the classified documents.
  5. My wife did it is an awesome excuse. Classic MAGA.
  6. It was not clear - esp w this title: Class of 2024 - virtual freshmen year 2020 Regardless - Trump was POTUS in 2020. Trump’s amazing economy folded like just like his casinos and required a bailout in March 2020. Keep whining, Ditz
  7. My favorite part is you sharing the Pelosi clip; who; btw, was not POTUS… but the clip highlighted Pelosi being critical of Trump in February 2020 - when at the time Trump was praising China and never once shared the severity of the virus. Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus in February All The Times Trump Compared Covid-19 To The Flu, Even After He Knew Covid-19 Was Far More Deadly If only Trump did his job.
  8. I’m sorry these people don’t think before they create these pathetic threads. These kids started college when Trump was POTUS. Never forget.
  9. Funny, these idiots didn’t mind LAWFARE when Cohen went to jail lying on Trump’s behalf. They also didn’t mind when Barr re-imprisoned Cohen when Cohen announced he was going to release a tell all book before the 2020 election. Election interference, eh?
  10. If only Trump golfed less and didn’t ignore his intelligence in 2019.
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