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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. SeRiOuS EvIdEnCe - lmao
  2. lmao - go for it - go get her tough guys - she has bigger balls than all of you freaks - and this too, will backfire on the cult, too.
  3. 👆Nazi👇
  4. Fake news
  5. Yeah it’s a hoax - only to those MAGA nutters who parrot millionaires for billionaires.
  6. You are hands down a fn idiot
  7. I can’t wait either. All Biden has to do is keep reminding the public that Trump stole classified documents - tried to sell them - tried to steal the last election - and is solely responsible for taking rights away from women! Trumps response will be to blast bleach and IV light into the body; tell us about the battle for JFK and LaGuardia; and grab women by the yahoo. They're both old and pathetic but Trump has big time baggage that won’t escape him. And well - abortion will stick a knife right thru his candidacy.
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