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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Ah, Doc tries so hard. Meanwhile- Trump is literally off dictators. Freaks. ps: Hey wack job - go back to your safe place: You’re out of your element.
  2. Trump is a fn Nazi - listen to that hypnotic music.
  3. Facts hurt. Thats why you’re not good w them. I bet
  4. This thread should be deleted - it’s an outright lie.
  5. I’m shocked the OP hasn’t provided a more up to date data set not based on religion. I wonder what’s changed since MAGA destroyed the Republican Party?
  6. Is the fat lady warming up?
  7. LMAO - what a f'n HOAX Karen Psyop. You are getting desperate GF... REAL desperate. Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6 You are pathetic. Source? Proof? Anything? Or are you gonna run away again like you always do?
  8. Please get back to me when you're not quoting the MIses Institute - a white supremacist organization that wrote Ron Paul's propaganda, wants to abolish the Civil Rights Movement, and big anti-CRT freaks. And when a "respective" organization like Mises is retweeting Chris Rufo - gtfoh. Freaks
  9. No - it does not. Stop reading propaganda and read a history book prior to 2015. It’s understandable that MAGA doesn’t like being associated w Hitler and Nazis - but there is no denying that your party is comprised of white nationalist, white supremacists with one true goal: totalitarian power Why else does Trump want total immunity?
  10. Nazis hated socialists - read a book
  11. Hoax. Who was POTUS when COVID hit our shores? Who ignored his intelligence because he would rather gold and play w a sharpie? So much for the party of personal responsibility.
  12. Oh, ok wack job. Keep voting for this sick fk.
  13. And you just lost your whole argument. What party is dictating how people should live? Which party is attacking women's rights? Which party is literally trying to erase LGTBQ? Which party comprises of racists and Nazis?
  14. I don't doubt the hypothesis, but can you find something after 2014 and not associated with a religious study? PEW RESEARCH CENTER 2014 RELIGIOUS LANDSCAPE STUDY (RLS-II) MAIN SURVEY OF NATIONALLY REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF ADULTS FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE May 30, 2014
  15. If you attempted to rob a bank and were unsuccessful, would you get arrested?
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