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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Show me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are. F'n racist party.
  2. NPR > IRV And it's not even close. Keep crying.
  3. She worked for Trump
  4. Time to impose vasectomies on all males post puberty.
  5. All they do is lie...
  6. So, wait. AZ GOP Chair following through on Trump's orders? He certainly didn't think to do this on his own given every Trump sycophant has no balls. Right @Doc?
  7. Non stop psyoping - just like lyn’ Karen Psyop.
  8. Bottom line - lyn’ Karen Psyop should never be trusted.
  9. Anyone but Trump. Trump is a Nazi and his terrorist cult has no respect for themselves let alone our democracy.
  10. The fn hypocrisy in one tweet
  11. Bottom line - lyn’ Karen Psyop should never be trusted.
  12. The truth fn hurts - doesn’t lyn Karen Psyop.
  13. 👆🤡😂 - so much hypocrisy - so little time Karen. First off - Trump GREW the federal government. Second - there is only one party talking about eradicating people - taking away rights and it’s yours you pathetic freak. jfc
  14. 👆🤡👇 Idiots Fn idiots
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