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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Trump promised it was just two weeks away… but he thought golfing was more important than actually putting in the work to get it done. Biden got it done in his first ten months.
  2. so we will always have a border issue f them
  3. We do - but women wants their rights back - immigration and the border has been an issue my entire life. Donald Trump didn’t solve it w his first and only four years and unless we bomb South America and not help remediate the issues at the source - people will continue to migrate north.
  4. You certainly are kidding yourself if you think the border is going to trump abortion.
  5. I just gave Nikki $5 bucks.
  6. Exactly. Biden has total immunity EVEN IF IT CROSSES the line <- Trumps words. So yeah - let’s send in ST6 - take out the cult - and make Biden King for life. These idiots never think.
  7. Democrats aren’t the ones tying border funding with Ukraine aide - Republicans are - lmao.
  8. And write an EO making abortion the law of the land and jam pack the court - who cares about the constitution, right? People who support this POS don’t give a fk about the constitution:
  9. Oh look - the whole gang is here - lmao
  10. Ahhhhh no wonder why the cult wants to erase the LGTBQ community.
  11. Hey little Irv - that’s exactly what the RNC did for Conald leading up to 2020. It’s common practice and BOTH parties do it for an incumbent. Now open mouth, insert foot - and don’t stop.
  12. Hey Irv - open mouth + insert foot.
  13. Flynn is a problem that should be addressed.
  14. NOW we know why this is an issue... Bonnie and Ditz get their talking points from their leader- Michael Q Flynn...
  15. Why does MAGA hate Americans so much? Why are they so f'n disgusting? Here are the MAGA nutters' budget requirements: No reporting on greenhouse gasses. Block funding for student loan forgiveness. Bans members of the military from traveling to get an abortion. NO FREE TAX SOFTWARE FOR YOU. * Blocks funding to help register voters including veterans. Cuts funds to help families buy fruits and vegetables. Prohibits the implementation training for diversity. Creates a license to discriminate against LGBTQ. Blocks red flag laws. Banning federal employees from organizing and getting better wages. Cuts Secretaries' Blinken and Pete Buttigieg salary to a $1 Yeah, let's get rid of this - who benefits? *
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