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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Karen tries.... so hard. Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985 Of course, Biden was quoting a state legislator from a RED STATE.
  2. No Moms, no Hitler Tiks, no Bonnie and no Ditz around for comment:
  3. I wonder why the cult would be against this? Follow the money
  4. Funny when the constitution is inconvenient. The Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland can invoke two powerful textual authorities for this motion: the Constitution of the United States, specifically the due process clause, and the federal statute mandating judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality, 28 U.S.C. Section 455,” Raskin said.
  5. Can’t they just win on their own merit?
  6. The cult doesn’t like to be called out for their payops, right Karen?
  7. Why did Trump’s DOJ think differently about those same campaign finance violations that sent Cohen to jail?
  8. Why won’t Bonnie and the Moms focus on the real predators?
  9. Discredited by whom, Bonnie? Is it the same authority that claimed this was debunked?
  10. It’s funny when the cult talks about parental rights:
  11. What does it say about these very fine people?
  12. Funny threads like this exist.
  13. Yeah, coerce. Shocking facts regarding who exactly was at that rally include a woman who held a sign saying, “union members for Trump,” who when asked, told the Detroit News she wasn’t actually a union member. Another’s sign which read “auto workers for Trump,” turned out not to be an auto worker at all.
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