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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. 👆😂🤡 Trump reduced the overall size of the economy to early 2015 levels. This was twice as large a decline as the Great Recession. And TP disappeared at the start of the pandemic but why let facts get in the way, right precious? March 7, 2020: March 9, 2020 - The psychology behind why toilet paper, of all things, is the latest coronavirus panic buy May 2020 - How the Coronavirus Created a Toilet Paper Shortage Fn idiots
  2. Oh - did Trump hand off the same economy he received from Obama? No - and you know it. Did Trumps “amazing” economy require a $3 trillion dollar bailout at the “beginning” of COVID? Yes it did - and you know it. You point to the last global pandemic - and the US (leading out of all other developed countries) has turned it around this fast. F out of here
  3. I know your mouth is already full w one foot - open wider and put the other in. It’s gotta be tough for low iq MAGA nutters to keep getting upstaged by Trump. Idiots - all of them
  4. These pathetic fks
  5. OH, I know - Fox News and your "resources" told you that they are mostly terrorists coming from other places other than South America. You can provide the source that backs up the bs.
  6. You can go do your own homework.
  7. SOUTH AMERICA - if you don't know where it is - find a map.
  8. Open mouth and insert foot. House Speaker Mike Johnson insisting on border changes in Ukraine aid deal Republicans threaten to reject Ukraine aid unless Democrats agree to tighten U.S. immigration laws Cruz, Cornyn join Senate Republicans in demanding border overhaul for Ukraine aid GOP senator says Republicans won’t budge on Ukraine without border action Senate Republicans block Ukraine and Israel aid as they demand border policy changes Republicans block Ukraine funding over US-Mexico border despite Biden pleas - The Kremlin has celebrated the gridlock, saying it hopes US lawmakers will keep axing Biden’s aid plan. <-- you proud bro?
  9. Bringing this thread back to life is really going to piss off Bonnie and Chris. Funny - Conald promised big bold and beautiful TRUMP Care - had four years to do it - but it was too hard so he went golfing instead. Trump: ‘Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated’
  10. Same as it's always been. Even when King Trump was POTUS. Keep crying.
  11. Now do Trump - I can’t wait.
  12. Notices these freaks never say a word to their keeper - Karen Psyop - whenever he brings a thread back to life. It REALLY bothers them that Biden gets shitt done.
  13. Tibs - you started a similar thread 9 years ago - lmao - do you see a trend? Anyhow - what a colossal embarrassment:
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