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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. The cult can stfu about the border now. They own it. PS: Bill is a national correspondent for Fox News
  2. Clean up on aisle 45 - quick lyn' Karen Psyop!
  3. Ditz hasn’t deleted this thread yet?
  4. Hey guys - we have been stuck on page 145 for 17 days now. lmao Oh, and guess what: Rob Walker, a longtime friend and business associate of Hunter Biden, has told the House Oversight Committee in a closed-door interview that President Biden "while in office or as a private citizen was never involved" in any of his business dealings with Hunter Biden. They all try so hard.
  5. Is something happening at the border?
  6. No - not all. Especially those who lost their attorney cause her story kept changing? Its so cute just how hard you try, crap.
  7. Wait - Conald lie?
  8. Biden didn’t rape anyone. Trump did. Multiple, actually. He likes em young - just like this guy:
  9. LMAO - these idiots giving Trump the benefit of doubt. Fn idiots
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