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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Why won’t Bonnie share those videos and reports of those networks interviewing Putin?
  2. I bet this idiot loved the border wall cause that clearly didn’t stop anyone. Idiots
  3. Answer the question - what was this killers’ motivation. Why is this so hard?
  4. It totally makes sense. You support people who control women’s bodies but Biden can’t help out the average American by fighting unnecessary fees? Cry harder.
  5. You know @BillsFanNC won’t acknowledge this
  6. Rosanne Barr, Scott Baio and Kid Rock not pulling their weight, Irv?
  7. What was the white supremacist’s motive?
  8. Listen to these pathetic idiots defend millionaires and billionaires. If Trump actually did something for the average Joe these freaks would be going nuts. But since the GQP’s platform is to serve Putin, the 1%, Corporate America and own the libs - all they can do is trash things that actually might benefit their families, children, and grand children. Their cult leaders are the luckiest terrorists in the world - they take advantage of these low iq insecure degenerates and get them to vote against their best interest every single time. You reap what you sow. Losers
  9. Look at these f’ers cheering on Tucker interviewing thus murderous POS. Hey Karen - will Tucker Trump ask about this?
  10. 👆🤡💩 Why does Karen Psyop constantly retweet white supremacists, neo-fascists, and antisemites? What does that say about her, @aristocrat? Yep - you know it.
  11. Why the F do you lie all the time? Why can’t you back this claim up Bonnie? Whats the delay Bonnie?
  12. That’s cute. African Americans not trust our government after allowing enslavement and having a civil war over it - crazy right? Just crazy. So tell me - what’s MAGA’s excuse? Why won’t you and @Doc explain why low iq MAGA freaks won’t get the JAB and more of them are dying for it?
  13. Yeah because you completely whitewashed the absolutely shitt show of the Trump presidency - topped off with an absolute derelict of duty during Covid. That f’er ignored his intelligence and is blamed everyone else for it. So, you defected to African Americans - wtf don’t you want to discuss it now? Oh, you’re in over your head like all of you low iq degenerates are? Oh, you, too, “Doc” - don’t want to chime in on African America hesitancy? @aristocratdeflected to too but it’s obvious his programming has not been refreshed in at least 778 days. So tell us specifically why Covid death rates are higher among Republicans than Democrats? Tell us DOC!!!!
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