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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Bonnie - watched it - what’s your take? The only truthful thing Tucker Trump said was that Putin invaded Ukraine… I thought it was Biden?
  2. This guy is a fn joke
  3. Paging the Hitler Momz where the problem really is… but they are no where to be found. Neither is @B-Man.
  4. Karen Payop’s friend is having a bad day. So let’s race bait, right? Nothing gets MAGA more excited.
  5. Sounds like sedition and insurrection…
  6. So if we add the Bible - I assume you’re okay with also adding the Qur'an, Gita, Torah, Guru Granth Sahib, Tripitaka, The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism, Tanakh, Tao Te Ching, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas and The Agamas? Or is just the Bible that is allowed in public schools?
  7. F the constitution, right Julie Psyop?
  8. Where are the Moms of Liberty when you really need them‽
  9. Here is what happens when you deflect: Trump pledged to stop 'endless wars' but his airstrikes in Afghanistan increased civilian deaths by 330% since 2016
  10. Maybe don’t try stealing an election and no one has to worry about this sideshow.
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