Follow the money, Bonnie
An extensive investigation completed by the non profit Center for Public Integrity revealed that the IUPA has mostly become a sham fund raiser organization that provides little to no benefit to law enforcement officers. For example, in 2018, the IUPA only gave 2.7% of its raised funds to law enforcement families. The majority of its operating budget funds an extravagant salary for the IUPA Director and various telemarking companies. [10]
The IUPA publishes NewsWatch, a weekly publication for the law enforcement community.[11]
The organization has been criticized for its status as charity: it received a 'D−' rating from the Better Business Bureau,[12] and was listed among America's worst charities by the Tampa Bay Times in 2014 because of its low spending on its mission.[13] IUPA operates under multiple trade names, including 'Police Officers Support Association' and 'National Emergency Responders Coalition'. The majority of their budget is spent on fundraising.[14] In 2017, the IUPA raised about US$13 million through solicitors, of which almost US$12 million went to the solicitors.[15]