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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. You and Bonnie didn’t watch the Tucker Putin shitshow.
  2. Your boy has upstaged you idiots every single day. Keep spinning
  3. In 2016 - your buddy: Trump Says Putin Won’t Go Into Ukraine Your flailing man - and it’s fkn hilarious
  4. You reap what you sow.
  5. 👆🤡👇 Trump told European leaders that US ‘will never come to help you’ idiots - fn idiots
  6. Trump can’t even raise a glass of water without using two hands.
  7. Right - 140 million people - on a site run my Elon Musk. And guess what? Putin treated your boy Tucker like the useful idiot that he truly is… Embarassing
  8. So when Trump wins - and Putin moves on to Poland and Germany under the guise of eradicating Nazis - will Trump pull the plug on NATO to appease Putin?
  9. Boy did the cult over promise and under deliver on Tucker and Putin. Embarrassing.
  10. Yup. Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave.
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