Remember when Donald:
Gutted the anti-Russia stance on Ukraine in the GQPs 2016 platform - who benefits?
Constantly denied Russian hacking (as does the cult here despite the plethora of evidence) - who benefits?
Did everything to destroy our relationships with our allies and with the EU - who benefits?
Tried to destroy the credibility of NATO - who benefits?
Pulled back our troops in Germany - who benefits?
Applauded Putin's victory in Syria after handing it to him on a platter - who benefits?
Tried to add Putin to the G7 - who benefits?
Told Putin he could have Crimea - who benefits?
Shared classified information with Russian operatives in 2017 - who benefits?
Incited a non-stop culture war on American soil - who benefits?
And now the SOB tells Putin to do as he wishes with our allies?