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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. You seem scared
  2. I know - you better buckle up Ditz!
  3. Who knew what DR’s thread would transform into…
  4. No 💩 Lara - the crime syndicate expands and the cult cheers it on! Funny where the cult likes to win. Trump doe$ too!
  5. Are there any racist institutions? How and why. Yes, of course. See Florida. But @JaCrispy will justify this behavior by DeSaster because he cares more about MAGA than his own fkn legacy. Sad.
  6. @JaCrispy - don’t you love when your friends here do stuff like this and you sit back like and take it? Embarrassing.
  7. Keep digging bro - nothing was done on the border during Trumps term. That little wall that Mexico never paid for did jack. No, Candace - that would be you.
  8. Hilarious - after you spewing your garbage about ANTI-RACIST BS and your friends here share a Trump black face Tweet you have the audacity to chime in now? Foh man
  9. You wish bro. The border has been a talking point my entire life - its no different now. And Conald did jack about it.
  10. What's sad is that you don't tag me in your pathetic posts because - you have no balls. lmao
  11. Why didn't Trump solve the immigration crisis at the border with an actual bill instead of doing nothing? And, now who actually killed it?
  12. Remember when Donald: Gutted the anti-Russia stance on Ukraine in the GQPs 2016 platform - who benefits? Constantly denied Russian hacking (as does the cult here despite the plethora of evidence) - who benefits? Did everything to destroy our relationships with our allies and with the EU - who benefits? Tried to destroy the credibility of NATO - who benefits? Pulled back our troops in Germany - who benefits? Applauded Putin's victory in Syria after handing it to him on a platter - who benefits? Tried to add Putin to the G7 - who benefits? Told Putin he could have Crimea - who benefits? Shared classified information with Russian operatives in 2017 - who benefits? Incited a non-stop culture war on American soil - who benefits? And now the SOB tells Putin to do as he wishes with our allies? RUSSIA FIRST
  13. Hey @JaCrispy- I figured you wouldn’t respond but I found the reply you would have used if only you had self respect. Simp
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