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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. The gun ALWAYS backfires on these ignorant desperate MAGA nutters. It’s amazing how many times they keep running into a brick wall and keep asking for more. lmao
  2. The irony of this advice coming from a Trump sucker. Don't choke bro.
  3. No wonder he took over the RNC…
  4. I love how YOU demand answers when you continuously ignore my questions. Putin and Russia have a history of sowing political and social discord in the US. Putin HATES democracy and has a history of messing around with our elections. Putin's aim is to thoroughly undermine and challenge American and Western democratic system as a model for transitioning democracies. Putin tortures and kills critics and dissidents, without facing any consequences. This is what Trump and MAGA desire as all they do is praise Putin. How many Americans are currently detained in Russia on trumped up charges? And last: Enough said. Why are you Russia First?
  5. Where are Bonnie, Q and the Moms for Hitler when you need them?
  6. I hope the Biden’s sue their pants off
  7. All they do is lie
  8. All they do is a lie
  9. Even Tops is better than any grocery store in Russia but yes
  10. Tucker and MAGA will never normalize Putin and Russia - no matter how hard they try.
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